Cabinet Zaken Doesn't Close Doors For Experts And Professionals From Political Parties And Timses

JAKARTA IPR Executive Director, Ujang Komarudin, believes that the formation of cabinet zakan by the elected president, Prabowo Subianto does not mean closing the door for experts and professionals who are in political parties and timses.

According to him, the cabinet zaken formed by Prabowo could contain expert and professional figures who take part in politics, either through political parties or the National Victory Team (TKN) in the 2024 presidential election. Toh in political parties there are also many experts and professional people," he said, Sunday, September 22, 2024.

This Al Azhar University lecturer does not deny that many political party cadres who carry Prabowo-Gibran have the capacity and capability in their respective fields. Therefore, if you intend to form cabinet zakan, Prabowo can take political party cadres and in TKN who are experts and professionals.

Ujang gave an example, the field of environmental and forestry can be filled by experts or professionals who really have experience or at least have the right educational background. This will certainly facilitate the realization of Prabowo's promises during campaigns in the environmental and forestry sectors.

"If according to education and experience, it will be easy to realize Prabowo-Gibran's promises in the previous campaign, and it will be easy to make implementation in the ministry that is mandated," he continued.

He emphasized that the position of minister as assistant to the president is indeed a political position. However, if Prabowo intends to form a cabinet zaken, then 90 percent of ministerial seats must be held by figures who have quality, capacity, capability and experts in their respective fields.

"People must be filled with capacity and expertise so that in the context of planning and making policies they are really planned and there is a blueprint within five years," concluded Ujang.