DKI Provincial Government Has Disbursed Phase 3 PKD Social Assistance For 181,353 Recipients

JAKARTA - The DKI Jakarta Provincial Government (Pemprov) has disbursed the Social Assistance for Fulfilling Basic Needs (Bansos PKD).

The social assistance consists of the Jakarta Elderly Card (KLJ), Jakarta Disability Card (KPDJ), and Jakarta Children's Card (KAJ) stage 3.

This social assistance was disbursed in stages starting September 19, 2024.

The total recipients of the Phase 3 Social Assistance PKD were 181,353 people, with details of 141,533 KLJ recipients, 17,326 KPDJ recipients, and 22,494 KAJ recipients.

Head of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Social Service, Premi Lasari, explained that the recipients of social assistance at stage 3 had gone through a reconciliation process with Bank DKI, as well as passed the matching of population data and data for residents assisted by social institutions.

"We have carried out several stages of checking before disbursing. Then the stopped social assistance funds are the accumulation of three months, namely July, August, and September. Where the monthly amount is IDR 300,000. So the total disbursed is IDR 900,000," he said in an official statement, Sunday, September 22.

This PKD social assistance is given in accordance with DKI Jakarta Governor Regulation (Pergub) Number 44 of 2022 concerning Providing Social Assistance in the Context of Social Protection. Where social assistance recipients are required to have an ID card and live in DKI Jakarta.

"Recipients must also be registered with the Integrated Social Welfare Data (DTKS)," he said.

In addition, recipients must also be included in the elderly age group or more than 60 years old, children aged 0 to 6 years, or disabled who have been registered with the Social Service data collection.

Premi said that the verification and validation process in the field was carried out by the Social Welfare Data and Information Center (Pusdatin Kesos) of the DKI Jakarta Social Service to ensure the feasibility of social assistance recipients.

Criteria For Exception Of PKD Social Assistance Recipients

Premi said that not all residents registered in the DTKS received the PKD social assistance.

He said, there were several criteria that were excluded as recipients of the social assistance.

"PKD social assistance is excluded for people who are indicated to be in the same manner, namely the non-performance of DTKS from the Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs (Kemensos); the non-performance of DTKS from the results of the Village Deliberation (Muskel) in June 2022," he said.

In addition, there are other criteria, namely non-performance in the Population Web Service from the Indonesian Ministry of Home Affairs, ownership of assets such as car vehicles and NJOP of more than Rp1 billion, as well as residents of social institutions.

Furthermore, he said, besides that there are other regional variables that are also determinants such as civil servants, the TNI-POLRI or are not considered poor based on the assessment of the local community, as well as the use of 19 liter bottled water.

"Recipients of similar social assistance sourced from the APBN, namely recipients of the Family Hope Program (PKH) and Non-Cash Food Assistance (BPNT)," he said.

Regarding the data on social assistance recipients who were crossed out of the list of recipients, Premi said, there are many factors that allow this to happen.

"The data on social assistance recipients being taken out can be caused because the recipient has died, moved outside the DKI Jakarta area, residents assisted by social institutions, aged more than 6 years (for KAJ)," he said.

"Then, the non-performance of DTKS, the civil record matching, is the recipient of the state budget social assistance, as well as ownership of assets (having a car vehicle and NJOP of more than Rp1 billion," he continued.