Weather Forecast Today, Cities In Indonesia Tend To Be Cloudy And Rainy

JAKARTA - The Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) predicts light rain to fall in Pekanbaru, Tanjung Pinang and Pangkal Pinang while thunderstorms have the potential to occur in Medan.

In the same period, he said Banda Aceh, Padang, Bengkulu, Palembang and Bandar Lampung could experience thick cloudy weather conditions, along with running air conditions in the Jambi area.

Quoted from ANTARA, Saturday, September 21. BMKG forecaster Hasalika Nurjanah explained that today in the Java Island area, BMKG said Jakarta, Bandung, Semarang and Surabaya have the potential to experience thick cloudy weather. Similar conditions can occur in Serang which is cloudy and Yogyakarta cloudy.

Meanwhile, the Mataram and Kupang areas are predicted to experience light rain today, along with cloudy conditions in Denpasar.

On the island of Kalimantan, light rain has the potential to fall in Pontianak and Palangkaraya and thunderstorms can occur in the Tanjung Selor area. Samarinda can experience foggy weather conditions and cloudy Banjarmasin.

It is also predicted that the BMKG can fall in the Manado area with light intensity, while moderate rain has the potential to occur in Mamuju and Gorontalo. Cloudy conditions can be experienced by those in Makassar and Kendari while running away air has the potential to occur in Palu.

The weather in eastern Indonesia is dominated by rain with the areas of Ternate, Sorong, Manokwari, Jayapura, Jayawijaya and Merauke that have the potential to experience light rainfall while moderate rain can occur in Nabire. For Ambon, BMKG stated the potential for thick clouds to be experienced today.