The National Police Prepares Personnel To Guard Mass Friday-Easter Good, Guarantee Security

JAKARTA - The National Police has prepared church guard personnel during the Good Friday to Easter service. Guard will be adapted to regional conditions.

"Of course the Police will see everything, identity, and see the vulnerabilities that may occur at the place of worship. Seeing the identified vulnerabilities, the Police will prepare its personnel to suit the vulnerabilities", said Head of Public Information Bureau, Police Public Relations Division Brigadier General Rusdi Hartono to reporters, Wednesday, March 31.

The Police said securing Good Friday was a mandatory agenda for The National Police as a public servant. Especially after the suicide bombing terror in Makassar, security will be even tighter.

"With the problems that occurred in Makassar, of course, the preparedness of the National Police will be improved. After the incident in Makassar, the Assistant Chief of Police has issued instructions and directions to the region (with) Secret Telegram Letter number 218", said Rusdi.

The contents of the telegram ordered the entire National Police to increase the preparedness of all areas after the bomb case at the Cathedral Church in Makassar.

With this security, people who are going to worship do not have to worry about acts of terror.

"So it is clear, the social security calendar, with the current situation in Makassar. After the Cathedral Church, we left the National Police Headquarters to the area to increase preparedness, including security, rather than Easter activities", said Rusdi.