Get To Know Healthy Sutardja Founder Of Marvell Technology From Jakarta

YOGYAKARTA - Sad news from the founder and former CEO of Marvell Technology, Sehat Sutardja. One of the important figures in the world of technology and business died at the age of 63. His departure deserves to be remembered considering that he has a significant role in the modern semiconductor revolution. As an Indonesian-born person, it is very important to know Sehat Sutardja.

The figure of Sehat Sutardja is known as a visionary who led Marvell Technology to develop into one of the well-known companies in the semiconductor industry. He successfully presented strategies and innovations that influence the global technology landscape.

Sehat Sutardja is not only admired because of the leadership and innovations he has emerged, but he is also remembered for his dedication in advancing semiconductor technology. Let's get to know Sehat Sutardja even further, what kind of work has been and his contribution so far..

Healthy Sutardja was born in Jakarta in 1961. He was born into a Chinese-Indonesian family. Since childhood, he has shown great interest and extraordinary talent in technology which then led him to success abroad.

After completing his education at the Kolese Kanisius Jakarta in 1980, Sehat Sutardja continued his studies in the United States. He earned a bachelor's degree in Electric Engineering from Iowa State University in 1983.

Then, Sutardja continued his education at the University of California, Berkeley. Sutardja's health obtained a Master's and Doctor's degree in Electronic Engineering and Computer Science in 1988.

Healthy Sutardja then started his career in technology after completing his education at Iowa State University. From this campus, he won a Bachelor of Science in Electronic Engineering.

Prior to founding the Marvell Technology Group in 1995, Sehat Sutardja gained valuable experience through his work at Micro Linear Corp. and Integrated Information Technology. He served as project manager and technical leader between 1989 and 1995.

The experience he gained in these two companies gave him deep insight into the semiconductor industry, as well as honing his technical skills and leadership. With these knowledge and experience, Sutardja and his wife and siblings founded Marvell Technology.

Armed with a strong background and a clear vision, Sutardja is determined to change the world of semiconductor technology, Sehat Sutardja is able to build Marvell into one of the leading companies in the industry.

Sehat Sutardja was also once the executive director at the Alphawave IP Group. After death, his position will be temporarily filled by his wife, Weili Dai, as executive director.

Marvell Technology Group, founded in 1995 by Sehat Sutardja, Weili Dai, and Deserve Sutardja. The company is engaged in a semiconductor facility with no production facilities located in Wilmington, Delaware, United States.

From the start, Marvell focused on developing cutting-edge semiconductor products used in various applications, such as data storage, communications, and networks. The company focuses on designing and developing semiconductor products, while the chip production process is carried out by their manufacturing partners.

The net worth of Sehat Sutardja is estimated at around 3.5 billion US dollars, based on records until September 2024. His total wealth is equivalent to around Rp53.2 trillion (exchange rate of Rp15,191). Most of his wealth comes from his ownership in Marvell Technology Inc., where he owns about 10 percent of the company's shares.

His wealth has increased significantly, from US$1.1 billion in 2023 to US$3.5 billion in 2024. This increase was driven by the company's performance and increased share value. Sehat Sutardja is ranked 2332rd as the richest person in the world and occupies the 682nd position in the United States on the billionaire list.

Demikian pengulihat Sehat Sutardja pendiri dan mantan CEO Marvell Technology. Sosok Sehat Sutardja dikenalkan oleh dunia akan kesuksesannya di bidang teknologi dan bisnis global. Baca juga mengenal sosok konglomera terbesar Indonesia.

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