Smuggling 2 Kg Of Methamphetamine Using Drones At The RI-Malaysia Border Was Thwarted By The TNI

The TNI AD Pamtas Task Force in West Kalimantan (West Kalimantan) has again thwarted drug packages entering the RI-Malaysia Border area which are suspected of being smuggled using drones.

"The Pamtas Task Force Yon Zipur 5/ABW has thwarted drug smuggling in the Sei Tekam area, Sekayam, Sanggau Regency. It is suspected that the illicit goods were smuggled into Indonesian territory with drones," said Danrem 121/ABW Brigadier General Luqman Arief in Pontianak, West Kalimantan, Friday, September 20, confiscated by Antara.

According to him, the existing pattern shows a change in the method that smugglers are trying to make to enter Indonesian territory.

Danrem explained the chronology, when the Yon Zipur 5/ABW Task Force received a report from the community assisted by the Anti-Drug Embrio Radar in the Sei Bear Post area, that there was a suspicious movement on one of the rat roads around Sei Tekam Village.

"This was immediately responded to by the Wadansatgas Pamtas Kapt. CZI Joko Mahendro by forming a team to immediately carry out ambust operations in the area," he explained.

Right on September 14 at 22.00 the ambush team stalked the drone movement which slowly maneuvered at the targeted location around Sei Bear Hamlet, Sei Tekam Village.

The drone's movement was monitored by the Ambush Team, until the drone stopped at one point which was later suspected of dropping suspicious items. After observing the situation, the Ambush Team immediately cleaned the location, and found a package that after checking contained items suspected of being methamphetamine weighing about 2 kilograms (kg) and 700 ecstasy pills of happy five type.

"From this thwarting operation, we can conclude that this drug smuggling syndicate continues to try to enter Indonesian territory with various modes. In addition to changing locations, they have also changed their methods from the start of smuggling conventionally by land and courier. Now, it is suspected that they have changed the method by using drones and dropping them in Indonesian territory," he said.

Various successes in thwarting drug smuggling by the Indonesian Army task force in the RI-Malaysia West Kalimantan border area in the past year around 200 kg of Narcotics, which was carried out through the unity of the Indonesian Army with the community.