Pertamina Balongan Being Struck By Lightning, Expert: The Characteristics Of Indonesian Lightning Are Different From Subtropical Lightning

JAKARTA - A large fire that struck the Pertamina Balongan oil refinery, Indramayu, according to witnesses was caused by a lightning strike. According to the expert, this happened because lightning in Indonesian territory had a more specific character and was capable of causing large explosions.

In one of the stories of Popular Science, an expert explained that the characteristic feature of Indonesian lightning is very likely to trigger a catastrophic explosion such as a fire at an oil refinery in Indramayu.

According to lightning researcher and Professor of the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB), Prof. Dr. Dipl Ing Ir Reynaldo Zoro, incidents such as the oil refinery fire in Balongan, Indramayu have actually happened many times from decades ago.

This is because the characteristics or characteristics of lightning in Indonesia are very specific and distinctive. According to Zoro, lightning in Indonesia has a longer tail and a higher amplitude.

Regarding the safety of this lightning threat, International standardization refers to the characteristics of lightning found in subtropical countries, not tropical countries like Indonesia. Meanwhile, the security system run by Pertamina refers to the international standardization system.

Lightning in Indonesia cannot be overcome by international safety standards

However, Zoro said the international standardization was not sufficient to protect oil storage in countries with lightning characteristics such as Indonesia. Zoro understands this because he has been a member of the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) TC 81: Lightning since 1995.

Zoro explained, this is because the type of lightning in Indonesia cannot be overcome with the safety standards applied by the International, and that standard is also used by Pertamina. Since 1992, Zoro has been carrying out research on lightning in Indonesia.

In the end, he knew that lightning in Indonesia was very unique. From Zoro's explanation, the characteristics of lightning in Indonesia are a longer tail and a higher amplitude.

In international oil refinery standards, it is explained that the oil tank does not require additional protection because it is made of metal. If the electric current hits or grabs metal, the electric current will be lost. However, lightning in Indonesia is an anomaly, because it has different characteristics. This indicates that oil refineries in Indonesia need more special protection.

The characteristic of lightning in Indonesian territory

If so, what distinguishes Indonesian lightning from the characteristics of lightning in subtropical countries? See the following explanation from the Professor of the Bandung Institute of Technology.

Lightning in the tropics

The characteristics of lightning in Indonesia are a lightning tail that is longer and has a higher amplitude. Zoro said that lightning tails in Indonesia are longer due to higher impulse voltages. Impulse voltage is a voltage that rises in a very short time, and is then followed by a relatively slow decrease towards zero.

There are three forms of impulse voltage that may hit an electric power system, one of which is the lightning impulse voltage caused by a lightning strike. This longer tail of lightning allows lightning to strike the surface of objects. The shape of the long tail, continued Zoro, makes the thunderbolt conduct enough power to melt metal. When the top of the tank is struck by lightning, its power is able to create a hole.

When the tank has a hole, a so-called fire triangle will be created in the form of oxygen, fire, and fuel that can cause a fire explosion.

Subtropical Lightning

Subtropical lightning has different characteristics from Indonesian lightning. According to Zoro, Subtropical lightning is rarer and occurs even less frequently. The resulting impulse voltage is lower, so the tail is shorter.

Zoro revealed that his party had also conducted surveys and evaluations for the Balongan security and protection system for a long time. However, this evaluation was ignored because it was deemed that it did not require additional protection.

This is also because at that time there has been no incident of an oil refinery explosion due to lightning. Zoro admitted that several Pertamina-owned oil refineries in Indonesia have already been protected from the threat of lightning.

"Some that have been protected are some that have already been caught fire," he explained. Responding to this incident, Zoro revealed that he had established communication with the Director General of Pertamina and emphasized that protection must indeed exceed international standards.

For its implementation, the Director General of Pertamina has chosen to focus on extinguishing the fire first. The evaluation will be carried out after the fire has been properly resolved.

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