Chaotic Kadin, Government Must Be Fair In Taking Resolution

YOGYAKARTA The chaos that occurred within the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin) resulted in the request of the Chairman of KADIN Arsjad Rasjid to the Government to participate in resolving the problem. Regarding the chaos of the KADIN, the Government must be fair if it really will intervene.

Constitutional Law Expert Jimly Asshiddiqie reminded that the state must be present and take responsibility for the confusion of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry. This is because the existence of KADIN is regulated through the Law, namely Law 1/1987. In addition, the management has been ratified through a Presidential Decree (Keppres).

The chairman of the Indonesian Constitutional Court (MK) for the 2003-2008 period also mentioned that KADIN is a state institution in a broad sense which was decided through the Constitutional Court (MK).

"Remember Kadin, don't look at it as a private institution, Kadin has decided by the Constitutional Court in my time, that Kadin is a state institution in a broad sense. Even though in practice it is difficult as a state institution, but he is a public institution, formed by law and the basic budget is PP, then the state has the responsibility to make sure he doesn't break up," explained Jimly when met at the Unhas campus, Makassar, Tuesday, (18/9).

Jimly also mentioned similar problems that occurred in KADIN's body during his time. When he was still the chairman of the Constitutional Court, there was a plan made by the KADIN UMKM which was later canceled by the Constitutional Court.

"In the past there was an idea to make Kadin counter, Kadin UMKM, we canceled it, we can't, because they argued that Kadin was only taking care of big entrepreneurs, they wanted to make Kadin UMKM based on the principle of freedom of organization," explained Jimly.

Responding to the chaos of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) actually asked that the settlement be carried out internally. The President also emphasized that he would not interfere in the matter.

"(Kadin) this is not a political organization, this is a business organization so I ask for it to be resolved internally within the Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Don't buy the hot ball to me later," said President Jokowi, quoted from Antara, Friday, (20/9).

However, President Jokowi stated that during his tenure as President of the Republic of Indonesia, he continued to have good relations with the Chairman of Kadin including Suryo Bambang Sulisto, Rosan Roeslani and Arsjad Rasjid.

"During my 10 years in office, I was close to Kadin, I never came to Kadin once or twice. I used to be good with Mr. Suryo Bambang, both with Mr. Rosan Roeslani, both with Mr. Arsjad (Rasjid), both with Mr. Anin (Anindya Bakrie), both with everyone," said the President.

The President also opened the door as wide as possible to Arsjad Rasjid and Anindya Bakrie if they wanted to hold a meeting with him. However, the President reiterated that the current KADIN issue is an internal matter and asked that the matter not be linked to the President.

"Anyone meets me, I'm open, it doesn't matter but once again solve the Kadin problem internally Kadin. Don't just push the hot ball to the President," said the President.

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