Busker In Cikampek Beaten And Hacked By 3 Colleagues, Police: Perpetrators Are Still Underage

JAKARTA - Cikampek Police arrested three perpetrators of beating a busker near a shopping mall in the Cikampek area, Karawang Regency, West Java. The perpetrator was apparently a colleague of the victim and a fellow busker.

The Head of Cikampek Police Endar Supriyatna said the three perpetrators each had the initials AJ (20), FM (16), and MN (15). The three of them are residents of Karawang.

"The three perpetrators and victims work daily as street singers", he said in Karawang.

The case occurred on Sunday, March 28 at around 02.30 WIB. At that time the victim and the witness were meeting with one of the perpetrators at the scene.

"At that time, the victim was involved in an argument with one of the perpetrators, until the perpetrator took out a sharp weapon in the form of a machete. Not long after, the perpetrators' friends helped beat up the victim”, said Endar Supriyatna.

The victim suffered cuts on the palms of his left hand and foot as a result of a sharp weapon. Apart from arresting the three perpetrators, the officers confiscated evidence of a sharp weapon in the form of a machete.

"Of the three perpetrators, some are still minors, so we will transfer the case of the beatings to the Women and Children Protection Unit (PPA) of the Karawang Police", he also said.