8 Preventive Measures To Prevent The Spread Of COVID-19, Independent Efforts To Support The 2021 Mudik Prohibition

JAKARTA - The news about the ban on going home is enough to make many people sad and disappointed. Especially for those who live overseas. They are forced to bury their homesickness, family, relatives, neighbors, and old friends again.

Even though going home is a moment that many people have been waiting for, because last year's Eid, COVID-19 was in full swing. So they can't go home and have to go through Eid on overseas lands. It turns out that this time Eid homecoming is prohibited again.

This annual culture had to be banned by the Indonesian government for the benefit of all. The coordination meeting of a number of ministries and institutions decided that the 2021 homecoming was eliminated in order to reduce the number of COVID-19 and prevent its spread. The homecoming ban will be enforced from May 6 to May 17.

This policy is the government's effort to promote preventive action. A number of parties also appealed to the public not to act carelessly. Muhammadiyah invites tarawih prayers to be carried out in their respective homes. Meanwhile, the Deputy Governor of DKI provides a solution so that people use video call services.

In order for the government program to work optimally, the community also needs to take preventive actions independently. The following are the kinds of preventive actions that need to be taken in the conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Reducing Physical Contact with Others

Physical contact is a way for the spread of the corona virus. To prevent COVID-19, you need to limit physical contact with other people. Make physical contact only in a state of urgency and the people closest to you for certain needs.

One of the most frequent physical contact with strangers is money transactions. It is difficult to avoid paying money. However, you need to be aware that money is known to be susceptible to bacteria. To avoid this, buying and selling or payment activities can be done online. Especially now that online payment services are mushrooming.

Avoiding crowds and traveling to vacation spots

One of the things that many people miss during the COVID-19 pandemic is vacation activities. The government instructs crowded places such as tourist attractions, restaurants, cafes, and hangout places to close their activities.

Therefore, in order to reduce the spread of COVID-19 in this second year, you should not travel first. Especially traveling in a place of kramaian or traveling between islands and countries. This step is considered quite effective in reducing the spread of COVID-19.

Doing Work From Home (WFH)

The working community also needs to be aware of the spread of the virus in the office or workplace. Moreover, activities at work involve physical closeness and interaction. To avoid this danger, workers can do WFH. You can do assignments at home and do meeting agendas online.

Cleaning Office Desks or Home Items

Viruses stick to every place or object in the home or office. To avoid the threat of COVID-19, office desks and objects at home need to be cleaned.

The office desk is the place most often touched by workers. Before starting work or during holidays, you can take the time to clean the table using a damp cloth or tissue, and use alcohol.

Items at home that are often handled, such as gadgets, laptops, glasses, books, and so on, must also be cleaned. Even small things have to be cleaned because sometimes we accidentally touch them.

Pay attention to the use of masks

Since the COVID-19 pandemic broke out, masks have become an important item that many people have hunted. Previously, people were quite distant from these respiratory safety devices. But now many people admit that forgetting to wear a mask feels like forgetting to bring a gadget.

It's become a good change. Therefore, always try to wear a mask. But you also need to pay attention to the use of masks. Not just plug it in. Because masks that are not cared for properly can be a source of germs.

The following are procedures for using masks according to the World Health Organization (WHO).

Make sure that the outer part is the lighter colored part, and the metal strip of the mask is on the top. Put the mask over your nose and mouth, then attach the straps to your ears. Press down on the metal strip, so that it fits tightly and closes comfortably. Pull the bottom so that it covers the chin. Remove the masekr from the strap that hooks the ear Do not touch the front of the mask, because it can be contaminated. Remove the mask and throw it in a closed trash can. Clean your hands with alcohol or soap and water. Cover your mouth when coughing or sneezing

The virus in the human body can be spread out when coughing or sneezing. Therefore, to maintain our health and that of others, keep your mouth shut when you experience both of these things.

How to cover your mouth also needs attention. Don't cover your mouth with your palms. Hands are often used to touch other objects, potentially spreading bacteria.

Cover your mouth with your elbow or cloth. If you accidentally cover your mouth with your hands, wash your hands immediately with soap or alcohol.

Diligent Sports and Consumption of Healthy Food

Body condition is also one of the causes of contracting COVID-19. People who have low immunity are more likely to catch the virus. Therefore, the condition of the body must be kept in prime condition. There are two steps you can take, namely diligently exercising and consuming nutritious foods.

Take a few minutes a day to exercise. You don't have to go to the gym, you can do sports from home, such as sit ups, push ups, jumping rope, yoga, and so on. Always eat nutritious foods such as vegetables, fish, nuts. Avoid eating junk food.

News Updates from National Media

Measures to prevent COVID-19 don't just stop with physical activities yourself. But you also need to always monitor the latest news. Read news about the development of the pandemic from the official government website and national media.

Reading the latest news is very important to avoid hoax news circulating. In addition, you become aware of the development of COVID-19 in Indonesia, such as which areas, the number of spreads, and so on. You will also know about the programs run by the government, such as COVID-19 vaccination, rapid test requirements and so on.

Those were some preventive steps that can be done independently. This pandemic reminds us of the phrase "prevention is better than cure". Therefore, prevention efforts must start from yourself.

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