Central PWI Affirms HPN 2025 Held In Banjarmasin, Riau Canceled As Host

JAKARTA - Head of the Central PWI Regional Development Division, M. Harris Sadikin, confirmed that the 2025 National Press Day (HPN) celebration will still be held in Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan. This decision is based on the results of the National Working Conference (Konkernas) II which was held on August 21, 2024 at the Aria Barito Hotel, Banjarmasin.

"We are following the decision of Konkernas II in Banjarmasin. The 2025 HPN will take place in Banjarmasin, and this decision will be strengthened by a plenary meeting of the Central PWI management in early September 2024," said Harris from Palangka Raya, Central Kalimantan.

The cancellation of Riau as the host of the 2025 HPN has been officially decided, with various considerations discussed in the official PWI forum. Banjarmasin was chosen because of the readiness of the infrastructure and strong support of the local government for the success of this national event.

PWI hopes that the 2025 HPN in Banjarmasin will be an important momentum to increase the synergy between the press and the government, as well as promote the potential of the South Kalimantan region.