Malaysia Arrests CEO And Manager Of GISB Related To The Sodomy Case Of Orphanage Children
JAKARTA - Malaysian authorities have arrested the CEO and senior manager of Global Ikhwan Services and Business (GISB) Holdings in connection with the sodomy case of orphanage children.
Nasaruddin Mohd Ali, CEO of GISB, who according to police related to the forbidden religious sect, was detained along with 18 people in an early-day raid on four residences in Kuala Lumpur, Police Inspector General Razarudin Husain told Reuters on Thursday, September 19.
Five other people linked to the company were also detained on the border with Thailand.
GISB representatives did not immediately respond to a response request. Meanwhile, Nasaruddin and his lawyer could not immediately be contacted.
Local media previously reported the arrest.
Nazaruddin said the people detained on Thursday included two of Nasaruddin's wives, children, and several children of the late Malaysian priest Ashaari Mohamed, founder of the Al-Arqam religious sect which was banned by the government in 1994 for allegedly spreading deviant Islamic teachings in Muslim-majority countries.
Three men detained as part of a police investigation into GISB were also separately indicted in court.
Polisi sebelumnya membantukan dua orang lainnya sebagai bagian dari penyelidikan terhadap GISB, yang memiliki bisnis di lebih dari 20 negara mulai dari minimarket hingga restoran dan layanan perjalanan.
The company is also being investigated on charges of money laundering, religious violations and other crimes.
GISB's Nasaruddin has previously denied widespread allegations of abuse in orphanages and other offenses, although he acknowledged there were "one or two" sodomy cases that occurred.