Chairman Of Watimpres Wiranto Review Free Nutrition Food Trial In Solo

SOLO - Chairman of the Presidential Advisory Council (Wantimpres) Wiranto reviewed the free nutritious trial at SDN Kleco 1 Solo, Central Java.

"I came to Surakarta accompanied by the Mayor, Pak Teguh, to try to see firsthand the free nutritious food trial which is the program of Pak Prabowo and Pak Gibran," said Wiranto on the sidelines of the review reported by ANTARA, Thursday, September 19.

Wiranto said the trials had been carried out in several regions in Indonesia, including Tangerang, Cilegon, Salatiga, Surakarta, and Tegal.

"We will also review in other areas," said Wiranto.

According to Wiranto, in each region there are different nutritional eating conditions for free due to different characters.

"So that we can find later the level of difficulty, the obstacles, so that we can get this free nutritious standardization of food," he said.

The findings on the free nutritious food trial, he continued, will be submitted to the elected presidential-vice presidential team who will handle it at the national level.

"Temuan di lapangan ada banyak hal yang perlu direncanakan dari sekarang, misalnya standar makanannya, pengawasan UMKM, nilai keuntungan, dan nikelan dari makanan yang dibajikan, jenis makanannya," kata Wiranto.

In addition, in terms of funding, whether it can be from the APBD, CSR, or depending on the APBD.

"Everything will be a conclusion for free nutritious meals throughout Indonesia and I thank the Mayor of Surakarta for providing opportunities to the center for collaboration, this is for future input," said Wiranto.