Ask The Judge To Reject The Exception Rizieq Shihab, Prosecutor: We Have Never Been Wrongdoers

JAKARTA - The public prosecutor (JPU) asked the panel of judges to reject the exception or objection note by Rizieq Shihab and his team of lawyers. So, the trial of cases related to the results of the swab at UMMI Hospital in Bogor could be continued to the examination stage.

"We, the Prosecutor, in this case conclude and request that the panel examining and adjudicating this case decide and determine, express objections or excesses from the defendant and the defendant's health care cannot be accepted or rejected and suggest that the examination in this trial be continued," the prosecutor said in the trial. East Jakarta District Court, Wednesday, March 31.

The prosecutor also asked the judges to state that the indictment was in accordance with the regulations. Thus, the indictment can be used as a basis for examination.

"To declare that the indictment letter case register number Pdn016 / Jkt.Tim / EKU / 03/2021 dated March 4, 2021 on behalf of the defendant Rizieq Shihab has been drafted accordingly according to statutory provisions and therefore the dakwan letter can be used as a basis for examining this case," said the prosecutor.

During the trial, the prosecutor also emphasized that Rizieq Shihab and his team of lawyers did not have the slightest intention to be discriminatory. The reason is that all legal steps are carried out in accordance with statutory regulations.

"We have never discriminated against and wronged the defendant because every legal action we have taken in this matter determines whether or not the prosecution can be carried out against the defendant by taking into account the objectivity," said the prosecutor.

Rizieq Shihab was charged with obstructing the Bogor City, West Java COVID-19 Task Force while at the UMMI Hospital. Prosecutors said Rizieq Shihab lied claiming to be healthy even though he was positive for COVID-19.

The prosecutor explained, on November 28, 2020 Rizieq Shihab left the Bogor UMMI Hospital and made a statement letter.

"With this I do not allow anyone to disclose information about my medical examination results and the results of the swab," the prosecutor quoted Rizieq Shihab as saying when reading out the indictment at the East Jakarta District Court, Friday, March 19.

Rizieq Shihab's statement letter was made November 28 with a stamp of Rp. 6,000. Rizieq Shihab's statement was sent to the Bogor Health Office with the aim that the Bogor Health Office and the Bogor City COVID-19 Task Force would not ask for Rizieq Shihab's PCR test results.

"As a result of the defendant's act of filling out the general consent form on November 24, 2020 and making a statement letter, basically not wanting to provide information regarding the result of the examination of the defendant who was positive for COVID-19, was an act of deliberately blocking the implementation of the epidemic prevention in which the Bogor City COVID-19 task force and the Health Office Bogor was unable to carry out one of its duties in the context of overcoming the COVID-19 outbreak, one of the ways is by using the tracing method with whom the defendant had previously contacted, "said the prosecutor.

As a result of this action, the prosecutor said that the spread of COVID-19 in the City of Bogor had increased. This data was obtained by prosecutors based on the determination of the Bogor City National Task Force to be in the medium risk zone (orange) as of December 1, 2020. At that time the number of confirmed COVID-19 patients was 3,398, 98 died, 540 were still sick and 2760 recovered. .