There Is A Special Song To Commemorate Bipolar Day

JAKARTA - Apart from being celebrated as National Film Day, March 30 is also designated as World Bipolar Day. Quoted from, bipolar disorder is a mental disorder characterized by extreme changes in mood or mood. Thus, a person with bipolar disorder in addition to experiencing behavior changes, also has difficulty carrying out daily routines and interacting with other people.

Launching from Webmd, about 6 million adults in America have bipolar disorder. But bipolar disorder is less common than depression, which affects about 16 million adults.

During the depression phase, bipolar disorder patients feel restless and worthless in the eyes of others. Depression also takes away the interest in someone he used to like. In addition, depression has also been linked to problems with sleep patterns, changes in appetite, and difficulty concentrating. This can put a depressed person's risk of committing suicide.

In Indonesia, the echo of the World Bipolar Day has not yet been felt. However, someone still cares. One of them, singer Arina, was moved to create the song Aku Here to give support to Bipolar sufferers in passing through their condition.

According to him, he must have the courage to speak up because bipolar is still a taboo topic to discuss, even many people do not understand or consider it trivial. "This song is probably quite representative of feelings that are rarely expressed in other songs. I was inspired to make this song because I saw people around me who looked like they were okay but actually weren't. They had to struggle on something and they needed to talk to someone. to make them feel better, ”said Arina to VOI some time ago.

Arina hopes that this song can inspire many people to share stories and empathize with others so that bipolar disorder can be overcome. “Please don't hesitate to tell someone you can trust and spend a little of your time and energy listening to other people. We do small things but mean big to others ... Be a listener even if it's only for one person! ” said Arina.