Having A Limited Stay Permit But Desperately Marrying Village Girl, Algerian Citizen Deported By Batulicin Immigration

TANAH BUMBU - Officers of the Class II Immigration Office of TPI Batulicin, Tanah Bumbu Regency, South Kalimantan, deported a foreign national from Algeria with the initials BL (42) for living illegally for 60 days in Lucky Jaya Village, Satui District.

"The person concerned actually has an official residence permit from the Directorate General of Immigration, but the document is no longer valid because the validity period has expired," said Head of the Class II Immigration Office of TPI Batulicin Ferizal in Batulicin, Antara, Wednesday, September 18.

Ferizal explained that initially BL became acquainted with a woman from Lucky Jaya Village through social media, then came to Tanah Bumbu on May 18, 2024.

From that introduction, BL and the woman married and lived together at the house of the woman's family for up to four months since the arrival of BL to Lucky Jaya Village.

Selama tinggal bersama, pihak keluarga perempuan baru menyadari BL mengantongi bridging visa dengan masa berlaku izin tinggal kunjungan telah meninggal sejak 16 Juli 2024.

Furthermore, the woman reported to the Batulicin Immigration Office to extend the residence permit for the BL visit.

When reporting to the Immigration Office, the officer explained that the immigration document used by BL was a bridging visa document or document whose use could not be extended or had a validity period of only 60 days of residence permit.

"It should have been before 60 days before the person concerned had to return to his country of origin, if he wanted to visit again, he would only take care of new documents, but the person concerned ignored this," said Ferizal.

During the examination of the documents, Batulicin Immigration officers applied a fine of Rp. 60 million to BL for exceeding the permit (overstay) in accordance with Presidential Regulation Number 28 of 2019 concerning Tariffs and Types of Non-Tax State Revenue Applicable to the Ministry of Law and Human Rights, which is Rp. 1 million per day.

However, Ferizal explained that BL was unable to pay a fine of Rp. 60 million so that it was temporarily banned from visiting Indonesia for six months.