Observers Reveal 3 Reasons For The Democrat Outbreak Of The Ministry Of Law And Human Rights

JAKARTA - The government through the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs Mahfud MD together with Menkumham, Yasonna Laoly will announce a decision regarding the registration of the KLB management, this afternoon, Wednesday, March 31.

Responding to the news, Executive Director of the Corner for Democracy Research and Analysis (SUDRA), Fadhli Harahab, assessed that the Ministry of Law and Human Rights would give legality to the Extraordinary Congress (KLB) in Deli Serdang.

According to him, there are several reasons related to indications that the Ministry of Law and Human Rights has legalized the Democratic stewardship under Moeldoko's leadership.

First, the KLB camp has submitted and completed the management list. Because previously, the Ministry of Law and Human Rights had asked the KLB camp to immediately perfect its composition.

Second, the statement made by the Minister of Law and Human Rights, Yasonna, who seemed to not want to drag on in dealing with the internal Democratic conflict. He prefers that the problem be resolved in the realm of law and court.

"If you pay attention to several statements by the Minister of Law and Human Rights, Yasonna, it can be guessed that the matter will turn to the court (PTUN)," said Fadhli, Wednesday, March 31.

Third, reflecting on a number of chaotic cases of internal political parties recently, it has always been endorsed by the Ministry of Law and Human Rights. Lastly, the Berkarya Party.

"If you look at the trend of internal political parties' conflicts that always end up in court (PTUN), it means that the Moeldoko camp is not impossible to get approval similar to other political parties," explained Fadhli.

For information, the decision of the Sibolangit Extraordinary Congress (KLB), Deli Serdang, North Sumatra, will be announced by the Minister of Law and Human Rights, Yasonna H. Laoly this afternoon.

From the invitation received by VOI, announcements regarding the registration of the Democratic stewardship will be attended by the Minister of Political, Legal and Security Affairs, Mahfud MD.

Menkumham Yasonna will also be accompanied by the Director General of General Legal Administration (Dirjen AHU) of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights, Cahyo R. Muzhar.

"In relation to the latest developments in the Democratic Party, Menkopolhukam and Menkumham accompanied by the Director General of General Legal Administration (AHU) of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights will hold a virtual Press Conference which will be held on Wednesday, March 31 at 12.30 WIB," read the invitation to the press conference.