West Java BPBD Reports 5 Serious Injuries, 14 Moderate And 1 Light Impact Of Earthquakes In Bandung This Morning

The Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of West Java (West Java) revealed that for the time being it was reported that 20 people suffered minor, moderate, and serious injuries, as a result of the earthquake that occurred in Bandung Regency this morning.

Head of Emergency for West Java BPBD Pusdalops, Hadi Rahmat, said that currently his party together with the relevant district/city BPBD are still conducting assessments regarding the number of victims and buildings damaged by the 5.0 magnitude earthquake at 09.41 WIB.

"Meanwhile, there were 20 people who were injured, with one minor injury, 14 moderate injuries, and five serious injuries, who were referred to the Kertasari Hospital and the Paperari Health Center," Hadi wrote in a short message in Bandung, as reported by Antara, Wednesday, September 18.

Based on the data that entered at 12.50 WIB, Hadi said, the impact of the earthquake was observed in Tarumajaya, Cihawuk, and Cibeureum Villages (Palayaari District), then Margamukti Village (Pangalengan District), Cikawao Village ( Pacet District); Pinggirsari Village (Arjasari District); and Bojongmanggu Village (Pameungpeuk District) in Bandung Regency.

Then Barusari, Pasirwangi, Sarimukti, and Talaga (Pasirwangi District), Sirnajaya Village (Tarogong Kaler District), and Mekarjaya Village (Sugaresmi District) in Garut Regency.

This earthquake caused as many as eight houses, two health facilities, two public facilities, one educational facility, and one place of worship in Bandung Regency to be damaged. Meanwhile, in Garut Regency, seven houses and one educational facility were damaged.

West Java BPBD and Regency/City BPBD continue to coordinate to assess the victims and the impact of the earthquake.

Based on the West Java BPBD report, the tremors were felt starting from Bandung Regency, Bandung City, Cimahi City, West Bandung Regency, Garut Regency, and even throughout West Java.

The earthquake, which felt only for a few seconds, made residents in the Greater Bandung area panic.

"The earthquake was felt strong for 3-5 seconds. People panicked and had time to leave the house. We urge you to calm down and find a safe place," he said.

In addition, this earthquake also disrupted the journey of 11 trains that had to stop tremendously and cancel the travel of 14 Woosh High Speed Train schedules.