Having A Daily Chair In PKB's New Management, Cak Imin Wants To Focus On Becoming Prabowo's Minister?

JAKARTA - Chairman of the National Awakening Party (PKB) Muhaimin Iskandar (Cak Imin) answered the reason why he added his daily position in the PKB management structure for the period 2024-2029.

There is an assumption that Cak Imin will focus on serving as a minister in Prabowo Subianto-Gibran Rakabuming Raka's cabinet from the appointment of the Daily Chair who will manage the party's internal program. However, this was denied by Cak Imin.

"The issue of the cabinet has never occurred to PKB, and PKB knows exactly that morally we feel we have an obligation to make the government a success," said Cak Imin at the PKB DPP office, Central Jakarta, Wednesday, September 18.

According to Cak Imin, in his last term as Chairman of PKB, he wanted to accommodate the aspirations of the younger generation to be stated in the programs his party runs.

In addition, the Deputy Chairperson of the DPR RI feels that PKB needs regeneration in the composition of its management.

"Of course regeneration is absolutely needed so it's not about what I'm busy with, what I want. But, indeed the spectrum of PKB's work is getting wider, so I have to share my duties with the daily chairman in various fields," said Cak Imin.

Moreover, according to him, the matter of filling the ministerial seat in the new government will be entirely Prabowo's authority.

"Regarding the cabinet, PKB does not have any authority at all. Absolute is the prerogative of the president. Moralally, we feel there is no need to interfere in the matter of prerogative," he added.

For information, Cak Imin added the position of Daily Chair and Daily Deputy Chairperson of the PKB DPP for the 2024-2029 period. The majority of those who fill the position are gene Z and millennials.

Cak Imin appointed 23-year-old Gen Z to be the Daily Chair of the PKB DPP named Ais Shafiyah Asfar. Ais is a doctoral candidate for Airlangga University and is a graduate of S1 and S2 Cardiff University, England.

"This water is also a elected PKB legislative candidate in the Surabaya DPRD, Kota. We will withdraw it to Jakarta," he said.

Cak Imin explained the reason why he added to the composition of the Daily Chair who was tasked with helping him to organize or manage the PKB DPP.

"This Daily Chair function directly to take responsibility for organizing and implementing programs representing the Daily General Chair. So if the Daily Chair carries out daily duties, then the General Chairperson is responsible to all programs in general," said Cak Imin.

Meanwhile, the Daily Deputy Chairperson was filled by Najmi Mumtaza Rabbani. Najmi, who is 27 years old, has experience as Captain Change with Jabodetabek, as well as National Team Spokesperson Amin in the 2024 presidential election.

Meanwhile, Riezal Ilham Pratama's 26-year-old Deputy Daily Chair is a Bachelor of Science and Government of Fisip Unpad Bandung and was the Chair of BEM FISIP Unpad 2019, and Gielbran Muhammad Noor who is still a student of the Faculty of Animal Husbandry UGM at the age of 23 years at this time.

Then, Deputy Daily Chairperson Nadya Alfi Roiala who is a master's degree in Industrial Psychology at the age of 28, Muhammad Aji Pratama is a 24-year-old comedian stand-up, and Lukman Maulana who is a master's degree graduate of the UI Faculty of Business Economics at the age of 29.