Pede Wins Pramono-Rano In Jakarta Gubernatorial Election, Hanura: No Rejection From The Community

Chairman of the Regional Leadership Council (DPD) Hanura DKI Jakarta, Djafar Badjeber, is optimistic that the candidate pair for Governor-Deputy Governor of Jakarta Pramono Anung-Rano Karno will win the Jakarta gubernatorial election.

According to Djafar, the couple who were promoted by PDIP and Hanura did not receive rejection from Jakarta residents, so far.

"The opportunity for Mas Pram and Rano is very open to winning the Pilkada in Jakarta. Both of these figures meet expectations, and there is almost no significant resistance from the community," said Djafar when contacted, Wednesday, September 18.

Djafar hopes that public sentiment towards Pramono and Rano will last until election day. This is because Djafar claims Pramono-Rano is able to maintain a conducive political situation in Jakarta.

On the one hand, Djafar admitted that Hanura would help carry out Pramono-Rano's winning strategy in the Jakarta gubernatorial election after the determination of the candidate pair.

In addition, Djafar will also coordinate with Pramono-Rano to run the campaign by scheduling a meeting on September 25.

"It's still in the formation stage, waiting for the meeting with Pramono-Rano. Also, just waiting for the decree from them to place their duties in the winning team structure," he explained.

Separately, Pramono Anung said he was optimistic that he and Rano Karno would be able to beat Ridwan Kamil (RK) and Suswono in the Jakarta gubernatorial election.

Although, RK and Suswono were promoted by 15 political parties (political parties), including the Gerindra Party, PKS, Golkar, NasDem, PKB, PSI, Democrats, PAN, Perindo, PPP, Prima, Garuda, Gelora, PBB, and PKN.

Meanwhile, Pramono-Rano was only promoted by the PDI-P (PDIP) and Hanura. No matter how many political parties carry RK-Suswono, Pramono admits that he doesn't have a problem.

"Mau 20 partai juga tidak apa-apa. Kalau perlu, kita tambahin menjadi 20 partai," kata Pramono disertai majanarnya, ditemui di Matraman, Jakarta Timur, Selasa, 17 September.

In fact, Pramono also targets to win the Jakarta Pilkada one round, even against the two pairs of candidates, namely RK-Suswono and Dharma Pongrekun-Kun Wardana.

"Look at my face, optimistic about banbet. Everyone competes and must win one round. Why two rounds? Two rounds are more expensive, a waste of money. The energy is also excessive," said Rano.