Severe Traffic Jams Of The Prophet's Maulid Holiday In Puncak Berkah For Hotel Entrepreneurs Because Occupancy Reaches 100 Percent

JAKARTA - Hotel occupancy reached 100 percent when there was a severe traffic jam during the long holiday Commemoration of the Prophet Muhammad's Birthday.

Secretary General of the Indonesian Hotel and Restaurant Association (PHRI) Bogor Regency, West Java, Boboy Ruswanto, revealed that the congestion that occurred on the Puncak route became a blessing for hotel entrepreneurs in the southern region of Bogor Regency.

"The hotel occupancy rate has increased significantly compared to the usual weekend," Boboy said, quoting Antara.

According to him, the surge in hotel visits has been seen since the first day of the holiday, namely Saturday, September 14.

Boboy said that despite the severe congestion, this did not dampen the enthusiasm of visitors to come to Puncak.

"Despite the severe congestion on the second day, the occupancy rate continues to increase. The average hotel is almost full," said Boboy.

Boboy also said that this increase did not only occur in star hotels, but also in non-star hotels.

There are two main factors that according to him affect this increase. First, holiday planning in the Puncak area, and second, tourist fatigue due to traffic jams that last for hours

"Many hotels reported occupancy reaching 100 percent during this long holiday," he said.

The Bogor Police Traffic Unit recorded 487,799 vehicles entering and leaving the Puncak tourist route, Bogor Regency, West Java, during the long holiday commemorating the Prophet Muhammad's birthday.

Head of Bogor Police Traffic Unit AKP Rizky Guntama Double Permana revealed that the vehicles consisted of motorbikes, cars, and buses passing from Friday (13/9), to Monday (16/9).

"The total number of people entering and leaving the Puncak Route (during the long holiday) is 487,799 vehicles," said Rizky.

If averaged, in a day there are as many as 120 thousand vehicles in and out of the Bogor Regency-Cianjur Regency connecting route.