Badai Terjang Venue Shooting PON 2024

JAKARTA The venue for sports (sports) shooting at the 2024 Aceh-North Sumatra National Sports Week (PON) was leaked after heavy rains on Tuesday, September 17, 2024, morning WIB.
The venue in question is the Rindam Iskandar Muda Mata Ie Shooting Field. The leak on the roof caused flooding in several rooms that were previously used for the race.
Technical Delegate (TD) from shooting, KS Henry Indrayani Oka, said that fortunately the area was no longer used to hold matches.
"However, (still being used) to warm up (heating) athletes," said Henry Oka in a statement received.
Previously, the area was used for the water rifle and air pistol competition, which was both completed. The last time these two numbers used the place was on Friday, September 13, 2024.
Currently, the shooting sport has held a total of 21 match numbers and 19 more.
"Apart from not being used for the remaining matches, that area is also not a training area," said Henry.
The room that will be used for the remaining matches is next to the leaking room. This room is in good condition.
In addition to causing damage to the venue, the bad weather that was hitting Aceh made several outdoor (outdoor) match numbers scheduled to take place today also have to be postponed.
PON 2024 is haunted by a number of problems and is considered the worst in history. One of them is the incompleteness of several facilities and infrastructure.
This condition forced a number of sports to hold their matches in the midst of the busyness of the workers completing the unfinished facilities.
In addition to the facilities that have not been completed, PON athletes must also accept the fact that they get stale food and boxed rice which is far from standard suitable for consumption.