Semarang Polrestabes Thwarted The Brawl Of Sharp Armed Youth Groups

The Semarang Polrestabes again thwarted the potential for brawls by arresting dozens of teenagers armed with sharp weapons in two separate incidents, Sunday morning, September 16.

The police's swift action was triggered by public reports through the Libas application, an initiative by residents to report suspicious activities.

"We received information through the Libas application that there was a group of young people carrying sharp weapons," said Semarang Police Chief Kompol Irwan Anwar, in a written statement, Monday, September 16.

Following up on the report, the police unit conducted searches at several locations in the city. In Kampung Gandekan, Central Semarang, 14 people were arrested along with three sharp weapons and nine motorcycles.

Meanwhile in East Semarang, police searched Laper Street and arrested six teenagers, confiscated sharp weapons and three motorbikes.

All teenagers who secured it and the confiscated evidence have been handed over to the Semarang Police Satreskrim for further legal proceedings.

Kompol Anwar emphasized that the perpetrators would be charged with the article on possession of sharp weapons and disturbing public order.

The success of this operation shows the effectiveness of public collaboration and the timely response of police in preventing potential crimes and maintaining public safety in Semarang.

Police urge residents to continue reporting suspicious activities through the Libas application, highlighting the importance of community involvement in ensuring an orderly and safe environment.