Wait For The Technical Guidelines For Prohibition Of Lebaran Homecoming, Surabaya City Government Appeals To People To Obey The Government

SURABAYA - The City Government (Pemkot) of Surabaya, East Java is waiting for technical instructions (juknis) from the central government regarding the ban on going home in 2021. Surabaya residents are encouraged to follow directions from the government.

"We are still waiting for technical guidance from the central government," said the Head of Public Relations of the Surabaya City Government, Febriadhitya Prajatara, in Surabaya, Tuesday, March 30.

While waiting for technical guidance from the center, Febri appealed to at the same time reminded his citizens not to go home for Eid. This is because, said Febri, what the government is doing is for the sake of public health and safety, and the pandemic will soon be over.

"We urge the public to follow the government's direction so that there is no spike in COVID-19 cases like last year," he said.

In addition, Febri asked the public to understand the policy on the prohibition of going home. According to him, the policy is to anticipate a spike in COVID-19 cases, such as the Eid holiday in 2020.

"Don't let it be like last year, there will be an increase in cases after Eid," he continued.

This year, the central government has again eliminated the Eid homecoming due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This directive applies to all levels of society, including ASN, TNI-Polri, BUMN employees, private employees, and independent workers.