Check The Latest Stimulus From PLN Following The End Of Free Electricity 2021

JAKARTA - The 100 percent electricity stimulus for household customers, small businesses, and small industries with a power of 450 VA was discontinued. This program is known to end in March 2021.

However, the stimulus will still be continued from April 2021 to June 2021. However, there are different provisions, namely for the three groups the discount is no longer 100%, but is cut to 50%.

While household consumers are 900 VA 25% and social, business and industrial relaxation programs to 50%.

"The stimulus is an instruction from the Director General of Electricity at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources containing a stimulus assignment. We, as executors, continue to disseminate information to customers," said General Manager of PLN, Jakarta Raya (Disjaya) Main Distribution Unit (Disjaya) Doddy B. Pangaribuan, Tuesday, March 30.

That way, he said, customers in April will still receive the stimulus. Namely when the customer pays for electricity or buys prepaid tokens.

According to him, the estimated number of customers receiving the benefits of the stimulus in the second quarter of 2021 is around 33.99 million subscribers, consisting of 24.3 million discount recipients of 450 VA power households consisting of 9.3 million categories of DTKS.

Likewise for 900 VA household customers, as many as 8 million according to DTKS data. In addition, the small business customers are 450 VA as many as 0.5 million customers and 433 customers and the small industry customers are 450 VA.

Not only that, PLN also provides minimum accounting assistance / expense / subscription fees of around 1.2 million industrial and social business customers.

Apart from getting an average discount of Rp. 40 thousand for customers per month, customers of 450 VA and 900 VA DTKS have also received regular subsidies. The details are household customers 450 VA Rp. 102 thousand customers per month or 73% of the actual cost. Meanwhile, 900 VA customers Rp. 98 thousand customers per month or 61% of the actual cost.

"The amount of routine subsidies that have been provided by the government is Rp. 50 trillion per year, with a share of 80 percent for household customers," he said.

Here are the differences in stimulus

2020 stimulus

Postpaid Customers 450 VA (R1, B1 and I1)

1. All usage is 100% discount

2. Customers do not pay electricity bills

Postpaid Customer 900 VA (R1)

1. All usage discount is 50%

2. The customer pays the electricity bill

Prepaid Customers 450 VA (R1, B1 and I1)

1. Awarded free tokens for the highest usage December 2019-February 2020

2. The provision of free electricity is given in the form of tokens.

Stimulus 1st Quarter 2021

Postpaid Customers 450 VA (R1, B1 and I1)

1. The use of kWh which is given a 100% discount, which is a maximum equivalent of 720 hours of flame, a maximum of 324 kWh, the excess is given a normal rate

2. Customers who use less than 720 hours do not pay electricity bills

3. Customers who use more than 720 hours pay for the excess of this usage.

Postpaid Customer 900 VA (R1)

1. The use of kWh which is given a 50% discount, which is a maximum equivalent of 720 hours on, a maximum of 648 kWh, the excess is subject to normal rates.

2. The customer pays the electricity bill.

Prepaid Customers 450 VA (R1, B1 and I1)

1. Awarded free tokens.

2. Free token usage is given for the highest usage amount of Dec-Feb 2021.

Postpaid Customer 900 VA (R1)

1. 50% discount.

2. A discount is given when a customer makes a token purchase transaction.

Stimulus Second Quarter 2021

Postpaid Customers 450 VA (R1, B1 and I1)

1. The use of kWh which is given a 50% discount, which is a maximum equivalent of 720 hours of flame, the maximum equivalent of 324 kWh.

2. The customer pays the electricity bill.

Postpaid Customer 900 VA (R1)

1. The use of kWh which is given a 25% discount, which is a maximum equivalent of 720 hours of flame, a maximum of 648 kWh, the excess is subject to normal rates.

2. The customer pays the electricity bill.

Prepaid Customers 450 VA (R1, B1 and I1)

1. 50% discount

2. Discounts are given when the customer makes a token purchase transaction.

Prepaid Customer 900 VA (R1)

1. 25% discount

2. A discount is given when a customer makes a token purchase transaction.

For information, over the past year the government has provided relief stimulus payments / electricity buyers to more than 30 million customers spread across Indonesia with a total stimulus reaching Rp. 13.2 trillion. At the end of December 2020, the stimulus will be reinstated in 2021 from January to March 2021.

As of February 2021, the stimulus program has been provided to more than 30 million customers with a total stimulus of IDR 2.6 trillion. The estimate is that until March 2021 the budget will reach IDR 4.6 trillion. Meanwhile, in March 2021, an extension of the electricity purchase / payment relief stimulus for the second quarter of 2021 has been stipulated with an estimated budget of IDR 2.3 trillion.