PBNU Solid And Firm, No Branch And Regional Managers Participate In MLB Discussed By Gus Salam
Chairman of the Nahdlatul Ulama (PBNU) Executive Board Abdullah Latopada emphasized that no branch and regional level administrators were involved in the discourse on holding the NU Extraordinary Congress (MLB) which is expected to take place in the next few months.
Latopada said that the NU MLB was an issue that was rolled out by a handful of people who did not have legitimacy in the PBNU management.
"I make sure there are no branches or regions that participate. That's just a discourse that a handful of unemployed people have echoed," Latopada told reporters as confirmed in Jakarta, Antara, Sunday, September 15.
He also emphasized that the management structure of PBNU is solid and sturdy down.
"Therefore, if there is a claim that they are supported by PCNU and PWNU, I will confirm that it is an act of spreading hoaxes. In NU there is no fight for office," said Latopada.
The discourse of holding an Extraordinary NU Congress was rolled out by the Presidium to Save the Organization and MLB NU, which on several occasions is often represented by one of its members KH Abdussalam Shohib or Gus Salam.
Gus Salam said on a separate occasion that the presidium would hold a pre-conclusion at the end of September 2024 or early October. The results of the pre-confirmation then determined the schedule for the NU MLB. Gus Salam hopes that the NU MLB can be held in 2024.
In the process of heading to the congress, Gus Salam said that the presidium opened a hotline for NU residents and administrators to submit complaints, inputs, criticisms, and suggestions regarding alleged violations in PBNU which he believes occurred in a structured, systematic and massive manner.
Residents and NU administrators who wish to report can contact +6287839539999, or email aduanmlbnu@gmail.com, or report directly to the Presidium Secretariat in Ndalem Kasepuhan PP Mambaul Maarif Denanyar Jombang in East Java.
Gus Salam continued to claim that the NU MLB Presidium had obtained support from more than 300 PCNU and PWNU throughout Indonesia.