Densus 88 Arrests Suspected Terrorist In Tulungagung

TULUNGAGUNG - The Special Detachment 88 Anti-terror Team arrested a suspected terrorist with the initials NM (44) in Ngipik Hamlet, Tenggur Village, Tulungagung Regency, East Java.

The man from Blitar was arrested by the Densus team when he left the house with his wife and two children.

During a search at NM's house, the police found two firearms, eight active bullets, one cartridge, one sharp weapon, and a passport.

"Yes, I was contacted by the police asking for equipment as witnesses. Because I am out of town", said the Head of Tenggur Village, Samsul, confirmed by telephone.

Densus 88 Anti-terror Police carried out raids in several locations after the Makassar bombing. In Jakarta and its surroundings, 4 people were arrested.

The four terrorist suspects arrested have the initials HH, ZA, AJ, and BS. The police said HH was a motivator, facilitator, and financier related to terrorism action plans. HH was arrested in Condet, East Jakarta.

"He arranged everything, (explained) how to make bombs, and paid for the purchase of materials for making bombs. HH job is buying and selling motor vehicles", said Head of Public Relations of Jakarta Metro Police Kombes Yusri Yunus.

Meanwhile, in Makassar, 7 terrorist suspects were arrested, namely the initials AS or AR, SAS, MR, AA, R or M, AN, MM.

"Regarding the terrorist suspects who have been secured in Makassar, they are a group or directly affiliated with the JAD network", said Head of Public Relations Division of the National Police, Kombes Ahmad Ramadhan, calling this group belonging to the same group at Villa Mutiara Biringkanaya, Makassar, which was ambushed by Densus 88 on 6 January 2021.