The Rise Of Bullying Cases In Schools, Strengthening Exkul Becomes Character Education

JAKARTA - The rampant bullying case is a concern in the world of Indonesian education. Commission X of the DPR RI also assessed that one of the efforts that can be done to reduce bullying in schools is to further increase the extracurricular (ekskul) program in schools as part of character education.

"I am certainly sad to hear the many cases of bullying in the school children's environment, and I question why such a brave and negligible age child committed such heinous acts," said Deputy Chairman of Commission X DPR Dede Yusuf, Friday, September 13.

"The answer may be due to a lack of energetic activities in schools so that character education for children is lacking," he continued.

As is known, the case of child bullying is a case of bullying in students of SMK Negeri 1 Gorontalo, with the initials AR (14). He was allegedly stabbed and forced to drink liquor by several other students in the school environment.

Some time ago, bullying also occurred at SMP 3 Sungguminasa Gowa, Sulawesi where a student was abused by his own friend to the ground. The video of the violent bullying went viral on social media.

Previously, a tragic incident involving school children also occurred in Palembang, South Sumatra. The female student with the initials AA (13) became a victim of rape and murder by 4 of her own friends. All of the perpetrators are minors.

Dede Yusuf emphasized that character education is very necessary to suppress cases of bullying and crimes of school-age children. Character education can be obtained through extracurricular classes, which in previous times were mandatory progrants in schools.

"Ekskul is not an academic lesson, but character learning. Now that's what doesn't understand much, our government is still focused on academic education," said Dede.

According to the chairman of the House of Representatives Education Commission, character education is very important for children. Dede also said that character education should be instilled as early as possible, which can be obtained through extracurricular activities in schools.

"Ekskul should still be encouraged, because if not, the children's energy is channeled to things that are not true. When the exkul or activities of young people become less cared for, these children go out hanging out, drinking or doing things that are not commendable," he explained.

"Meanwhile, if we look at the previous generation, there are many exports, even until the afternoon. So it doesn't make the children run out of energy just to play online games or things that are negative," continued Dede.

Saat ini, kegiatan ekkul di sekolah hanya bersifat pilihan sehingga kurang mendapat atensi. Apalagi, menurut Dede, pihak sekolah tidak mendapat dukungan pendanaan dari Pemerintah sehingga ekkul di sekolah cuma perdemuan saja dan hasilnya kurang efektif.

"Now for extracurricular, it's still at school, but it's just an option. If it's not mandatory, the children don't follow it more," he said.

For this reason, Dede encourages the Government to provide financial support for the exkul program in schools. Especially for public schools that have many students from the lower middle to lower middle economies. Because usually, students from the upper middle to upper class have more access to independent extracurricular activities outside of school through courses.

"Seeing cases of bullying that occur by children often occur in the lower middle class. Because they do not have the opportunity to participate in character education activities outside of school, while ex-kul in schools is lacking so that their energy distribution to negative things," explained Dede.

The legislator from the West Java II electoral district revealed that currently BOS funds from the Government for schools have not been able to support the funding for extracurricular activities. Meanwhile, according to Dede, schools are also experiencing a dilemma if they ask for contributions for the implementation of exports that usually require teachers or coaches from outside the school.

"Actually, it was like this, in the past, everyone was self-employed, called paying dues. But then after the era of people understanding that schools are free, when there are fees, they are considered extortion, even though the contributions should be our commitment to getting knowledge," explained Dede.

One of the exkuls that can support children's character education in relation to bullying issues, for example, is to follow martial arts exports such as Pencak Silat, Taekwondo, Karate, Kungfu and others.

"This bullying is between those who abuse and some are afraid. In the past I was bullied too then I joined Pencak Silat. When learning self-defense, children will learn to survive and be able to defend themselves, finally self-confidence arises," he said.

Dede gave an example, for example in China and South Korea, which requires self-defense education as a mandatory lesson in basic education because it has many benefits.

"Because in martial arts there are also motor training, responsibilities training, physical, sensory, courage and many more," said Dede.

Unfortunately in Indonesia, the current paradigm of martial arts or martial arts is more directed at achievement activities. In fact, according to Dede, martial arts should be the basic knowledge that everyone must have because it involves self-defense, just like swimming.

"So learning self-defense does not have to be an athlete, but self-defense is more important. Self-defense education is important in schools, especially in basic education," explained the former West Java Deputy Governor.

Many experts say martial arts for children is very important for their self-defense to avoid bullying. Self-defense can also avoid children becoming bullys because they are thick with discipline and teach many things about ethical and moral values.

The ability to defend yourself can also make children more able to control themselves so that they will not just hit or kick other people for no reasonable reason. On the other hand, children who have the ability to defend themselves from bullying in violent ways.

Not only martial arts exports, character education as a prevention of bullying can also be obtained from other extracurricular activities. For example, Paskibra is strong in disciplinary values, as well as exkul forms that focus on leadership and social values such as youth red bars (PMR).

There are many exporters who teach leadership knowledge, as well as sympathy and empathy. There are Scouts, Paskibra, PMR, nature lovers for those who like to ride mountains, theaters and music for those who like art, or sports exports rich in Basketball, volleyball and others who teach the importance of cooperation and tenacity," said Dede.

Dede also appealed to parents to encourage their children to participate in many exkul activities at school.

"Parents need to provide motivation and understanding that exkul is important. Because apart from being able to support achievement, exkul is also a forum for children to socialize in a positive direction. The benefits of exkul will definitely also be felt by parents in the end," he said.

Furthermore, Dede emphasized the importance of parents' presence in children's character education. Because family is the front spot for children in obtaining character education.

"If parents are not present, in the sense that they do not focus on character education, it is certain that children's moral ethics values will be lacking. Now there are parents who pay attention to character education when there is an incident," said Dede.

Some are brought to pesantren, psychologists, some are even coupled and the installation is not justified. Keep in mind, the child's energy is excessive and it's normal because of the hormonal process, the process of growth and development. He wanted to know a lot. When he wasn't told, he would find out from his friends, from the environment, from the internet, which sometimes becomes misinformation," he added.