SKB PTM Out, Coordinating Minister For PMK Muhadjir Expects More Optimal Education

JAKARTA - The government has announced that schools can conduct limited face-to-face learning (PTM) starting July 2021. This policy is based on the Joint Ministerial Decree (SKB) 4 regarding the Guidelines for Implementation of Learning in the Covid-19 Pandemic.

The Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture (Menko PMK) Muhadjir Effendy hopes that limited PTM will make students get more optimal educational services.

"Through this SKB, we hope that their rights can be fulfilled in obtaining education. We have to admit that PJJ (distance learning) so far cannot be equated with face-to-face learning, "said Coordinating Minister Muhadjir in the announcement of the Joint Decree on Guidelines for Implementation of Learning in the COVID-19 Pandemic Period which was monitored in Jakarta, Tuesday, March 30.

As is well known, during the long distance learning (PJJ) during the COVID-19 pandemic, children only gained knowledge without being accompanied by other educational elements that were also important, namely skills, personality (attitude) and values ( value).

To succeed in implementing the SKB, Muhadjir also encouraged local governments to participate in providing outreach, especially to education units in their respective regions.

Apart from the Regional Government, the former Minister of Education and Culture also considered the role of the COVID-19 Task Force at the education unit level to be very crucial. However, he said, this role would not run optimally without the active involvement of all school members including the planting of health protocol disciplines from home to school.

In addition, the government has also implemented a COVID-19 vaccination program which began in early 2021 for educators. This vaccination is in order to support limited face-to-face learning acceleration.

"We hope that in the new academic year in July 2021 all educational units will be able to provide limited face-to-face learning services," said Muhadjir.