Unpaid Monthly Salary, Former Cintamobil.com Employee Launches Handover.id New Challenger In The Automotive Industry

JAKARTA - In the world of work, employees always hope for their rights to be respected. However, what if the salary they are entitled to is delayed by months? This is what a former employee experienced in the financial department of Cintamobil.com. After facing injustice for months, he decided to take a surprising step to launch a rival company called HandOver.id.

Feeling that his rights as an employee were not fulfilled, the former employee chose a new path by establishing Handover.id, a platform that offers new or used car and motorcycle buying and selling services that are more transparent and with integrity.

"I learned from my bad experience in the previous place and determined to create a fairer company, both for employees and consumers, and I want to prove that a healthy business starts from respecting employees," said Nurasiah Chandra, founder and owner of handOver.id.

With a strong financial background and a deep understanding of the dynamics of the automotive business, Handover.id comes as a new or used car and motorcycle buying and selling platform that offers full transparency in every transaction. The experience of working in the financial department makes him very understanding the importance of clarity and accuracy in business transactions, both for consumers and employees.

I realize that a business is not just looking for profit, but also should respect people who work behind the scenes and by giving employee rights fairly, they will create a positive work environment and generate better services, because the true sustainability of a company is not determined by its status as a startup or not, but by the reliability and expertise of its leaders in managing the company

The handOver.id journey has just begun, but with a strong foundation and a clear vision, the company is ready to become a new force in the automotive industry. With clearer, faster, and safer service, handOver.id places itself as a new challenger in Indonesia's digital automotive world.

Not only that, handOver.id is also committed to providing welfare for each of its employees, ensuring that every right of them is fulfilled. This step is not only an outlet for hurt, but also a form of innovation and resistance to systems deemed unfair. HandOver.id is now here as a solution for automotive consumers, offering more responsive and reliable services.

With the spirit to bring about changes in the automotive industry, Handover.id is ready to become a new challenger that brings innovation and better work ethics. Will this be the beginning of a new era in the vehicle buying and selling marketplace business?

Look forward to the next breakthrough from handOver.id!