The #Untiltomorrow Challenge Trend Proves The Difference In Twitter And Instagram Cultures

JAKARTA - Until now, many people are still worried about the spread of the corona virus around the world. Indonesia is no exception. Seeing this, not a few people stayed at home. In order to kill boredom, various methods are often used, such as following the challenge or challenge #untiltomorrow.

The challenge, which was originally on the social media platform owned by Mark Zuckerberg, Instagram, was so busy being followed that it became a trending topic and material for scorn on social media with the blue bird logo, Twitter.

The #untiltomorrow challenge is a trend in which Instagram users are encouraged to post embarrassing photos in the past and present. Then, the photo must be captioned with the hashtag #untiltomorrow. This means that the post can be deleted within 24 hours.

On Instagram, this challenge is inviting participation. However, it is basically a different culture, Twitter netizens sneered at this trend. Indeed, the Twitter timeline often voices a narrative about how boring Instagram is with the Insta Story routine and other features that Twitter residents deem useless.

Through the same hashtag, namely #untiltomorrow, satirical tweets were voiced. "It's time to spread disgrace on IG, what can I do? Let your friends be more enthusiastic about cheating you on #Untilltomorrow," wrote @omnugg.

Another, the Twitter account @seriuscanda tweeted: #Untilltomorrow is an illustration that the virus can spread very quickly. "

However, if you want to take part in the challenge that has been followed by 1.3 million Instagram users so you don't get bored at home, you just need to pay attention to the steps below.

First, when you find uploads of friends or anyone on Instagram with the hashtag #untiltomorrow caption. Then, all you have to do is click the like button or comment on the uploaded post.

2. Check your Direct Message (DM) and later friends whose posts you like will send a message saying "So ... You liked my post, so you have to upload a photo of yourself that is embarrassing. For the caption, you are only allowed to write #untiltomorrow and you. can only mark me. "

3. Be prepared if you do not comply, then the user will continue to nag so that you immediately upload photos with embarrassing or silly poses. The next rule, you are allowed to upload embarrassing photos that are new or old.

4. After you upload it, don't forget to include the hashtag #untilltomorrow and tag your friends who asked you to do this. Then, if someone likes the photo, you must return to sending the challenge via DM.