Iran: United States Removes All Sanctions, New Uranium Enrichment Cease

JAKARTA - Iran has no plans to stop its uranium enrichment program, which has now reached the 20 percent stage before the United States lifts all sanctions against the country.

This was revealed by Iranian state TV, quoting an unnamed official, Tuesday, March 30 local time. These comments came after US media said Washington would offer a new dialogue proposal.

"A senior Iranian official told Press TV that Tehran will stop 20 percent enrichment of uranium, only if the United States first lifts all sanctions against Iran", state-run Press TV said on its website.

"The official said that Tehran will reduce its commitments under the 2015 Nuclear Accord, if the United States does not lift all sanctions, warning that Washington is fast running out of time", the statement added.

It is known, the administration of President Joe Biden has been trying to engage Iran to continue the two sides' talks to continue compliance with the agreement, economic sanctions against Iran will be removed, in exchange for restrictions on the nuclear program.

US media outlet Politico said the proposal, the details of which were still being drafted, would ask Iran to stop some of its nuclear activities. For example, advancing the centrifugal technology they have, to enriching uranium to reach a purity of 20 percent. In return, the United States will lift several sanctions.

Iran was imposed with sanctions when the President of the United States was assumed by Donald Trump after in 2018 Uncle Sam's country left the joint nuclear agreement in 2015. Iran retaliated by violating several restrictions in the agreement.

The chances of reviving the deal before the Iranian presidential election in June are narrowing, as Iran chooses to take a firmer stance before returning to negotiations.