Looking For Shells North Halmahera Residents Attacked By Crocodiles, Basarnas Down The River

TERNATE - The Ternate Search and Relief Office (Basarnas), North Maluku, has deployed personnel to search for a resident named Yulianus Buda (45) who was reportedly attacked by a crocodile in the Taolas River, Dum-Dum Village.

Head of Basarnas Ternate Muhamad Arafah said that his party prepared a unit of rubber boat and longboat belonging to the community to down the Taolas river, from the estimation to go downstream as far as 1.47 km looking for victims.

The search for Yulianus, who was attacked by a crocodile, entered the second day. Meanwhile, the ground team carried out sweeping on the right and left sides of the Taolas River from the estimated to the estuary as far as 1.47 km.

Earlier on March 29, the victim looked for shells in the Taolas River. The victim was pounced on by a crocodile and was seen by two residents who happened to be not far from the scene.

Seeing this incident, the two witnesses immediately reported to the village head and the local community. The residents immediately searched but found no victims.