Death Toll Reaches 510 People, United States Suspends Trade And Investment Agreements With Myanmar

JAKARTA - The United States has decided to suspend all engagement with Myanmar under a 2013 trade and investment agreement, until a democratically elected government returns to power.

This was said by United States Trade Representative (USTR) Katherine Tai on Monday 29 March. This decision was made inseparable from increasing the death toll of Myanmar military anti-coup protesters.

In his statement, Tai said the killings carried out by Myanmar security forces against peaceful protesters, students, workers and labor leaders and children, have shocked the conscience of the international community.

"This action is a direct attack on the country's transition to democracy and the efforts of the Burmese people to achieve a future that is peaceful and prosperous," said Tai, who was sworn in on March 18, as reported by Reuters.

In addition to suspending work on a 2013 framework agreement, Tai said the USTR would consider Myanmar's situation while working with the United States Congress to re-authorize the General System of Preference program, which reduces US tariffs and provides other special trade access for some developing countries.

Participation requires countries to maintain the protection of certain workers' rights, and Tai said reports of Myanmar military leaders having targeted unions and workers for their role in pro-democracy protests raised serious concerns.

For information, until last Monday the Myanmar military regime had killed at least 510 civilians in connection with the February 1 anti-coup demonstration which had been going on for two months. Based on data from the Assistance Association for Political Prisoners (AAPP), after 141 people died on Saturday last week, 14 civilians were killed at Monday's demonstration.

The death toll on Saturday was the highest during Myanmar's military anti-coup rallies. Ironically, last Saturday was also Myanmar Armed Forces Day.

Myanmar Coup. The VOI editorial team continues to monitor the political situation in one of the ASEAN member countries. Casualties from civilians continue to fall. Readers can follow the news surrounding the Myanmar military coup by tapping on this link.