Surprisingly President Bolsonaro, Brazil's Defense Minister And Foreign Minister Resigned

JAKARTA - Brazilian President President Jair Bolsonaro lost two ministers at once, namely Foreign Minister Ernesto Araujo, who was said to have resigned because of the struggle to get a vaccine. As well as Defense Minister Fernando Azevedo e Silva on Monday local time.

The departure of the two ministers in one day dealt a major shock to President Bolsonaro, who is under pressure to take the pandemic more seriously, slowing a second wave of infections that pushed hospitals to their peak of patient care.

Araujo, a staunch ally of President Bolsonaro, has been under pressure for weeks. Two government sources said he had submitted his resignation.

He represents the ideological wing of a right-wing populist government whose attacks on China, environmentalists and the left are increasingly seen as a noisy distraction from efforts to tackle the COVID-19 pandemic that is currently booming in Brazil.

In recent days, Araujo has irked senior lawmakers who have become increasingly vocal calling for him to be replaced. They were angry at Araujo's longstanding criticism of Brazil's main trading partner, China, a vaccine-producing superpower.

Brazil's Foreign Ministry did not immediately respond to a request for comment about Araujo's departure.

The diplomat's tribute to former US President Donald Trump was also seen as a hindrance in persuading President Joe Biden's Administration to free up supplies of US vaccines for Brazil.

Meanwhile, Azevedo e Silva's departure came as a surprise, given that there were no rumors of his departure or a fuss of discontent. President Bolsonaro, a former army captain, has installed military officers and former military officers at all levels of his government, leading to concerns that the military's reputation could be damaged.

"So far, I have maintained the Armed Forces as a state agency. I leave with certainty that the mission is complete," wrote Azevedo e Silva in a ministry statement.

Earlier this month, Bolsonaro replaced Health Minister Eduardo Pazuello, an active duty general who oversees much of the handling of the coronavirus. He is widely blamed for the slow and uneven COVID-19 vaccine program.

A number of names are said to be filling the position of foreign minister, ranging from Brazil's Ambassador to France Luis Fernando Serra, Senator Fernando Collo de Mello to retired Admiral Falvio Rocha.

Araujo's exit was first reported by the Brazilian newspaper O Globo. The source confirming the request for anonymity because the information has not been published.