Historical Roots Of The Jamaah Ansharut Daulah: Aman Abdurrahman's Intention To Establish The Khilafah

JAKARTA - Jamaah Ansharut Daulah (JAD) is a terrorism organization oriented towards the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS). JAD attack patterns tend to be random. JAD is targeting publications in action.

Based on its history, JAD was formed at the initiative of Aman Abdurrahman in Nusakambangan in mid-2014. At that time, Aman called his close friends, Marwan alias Abu Musa and Zainal Anshori to Nusakambangan.

There, Aman conveyed his intention to form the Islamic Khilafah. The goal is to facilitate Indonesians who want to go to war in Syria and support ISIS. Primarily, those who have pledged allegiance to the leader of ISIS, Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi.

"Since being founded by Al Baghdadi in 2014 in Syria and Iraq, the understanding of ISIS has spread to many parts of the country, including Indonesia. The National Counterterrorism Agency stated that initially this understanding was entered through the internet network in the form of news, articles, and even videos. One of the people who are most passionate about spreading the notion of ISIS in Indonesia is Aman Abdurrahman alias Oman Rochman. In early January 2014, Aman took allegiance to ISIS and ordered the sending of his followers there, "wrote Nuria Reny Hariyati and Hespi Septiana in the book Radicalism in the Perspective of Critical Discourse Analysis (2019).

Afterwards, the two closest people to Aman were asked to manage an organization that could be a place to support the Khilafah movement in Indonesia. Aman realized that the strength of the congregation of followers and supporters of the ideology of the caliphate and ISIS is quite large in the archipelago.

Aman Abdurrahman (Source: Special)

This picture can be seen from the number of ISIS supporters outside the prison who are still hanging around. The name JAD emerged from Marwan in August 2014. After two months, Zainal Anshori and Marwan formed an organizational structure.

In that context Marwan was appointed as the number two person, after Aman Abdurrahman at the helm. "They have reportedly appointed emirs or representatives in each region and had a chance to hold meetings to lead and control the activities of more than 1,200 JAD followers throughout Indonesia. In this case, Zainal Anshori has been appointed as the emir of JAD for the East Java province, "said Poltak Partogi Nainggolan in the book Caliphate Isis in Southeast Asia (2019).

Marwan, who became the second strongman in JAD, then appointed Zainal Anshori to replace his role as field operator. The change was because Marwan himself would go and wage jihad in Syria.

Zainal Anshori gradually became chairman of JAD. In his leadership, Zainal Anshori ordered many emirs in the field to carry out monotheistic and hijrah activities.

This series of events is remembered through the suicide bombing in Thamrin, the bomb attack in Samarinda, the West Java Police Headquarters attack with the bomb that exploded in Cicendo, and the suicide bombing in Kampung Melayu.

The difference between JAD and other terrorism movements
Bomb attack on the Makassar Cathedral Church (Source: Special)

Since 2015, it has been recorded that more than a thousand terrorists have been arrested in Indonesia. More than 95 percent are ISIS supporters.

The movement pattern of this radical group began to disorganize since the Indonesian government implemented the Terrorism Shrimp Law Number 5 of 2018. Since then the government has designated the ISIS supporting organization in Indonesia, namely JAD, as a banned organization.

"The repression made ISIS supporters change their strategy from jihad tanzim, jihad through organizations such as JAD, to jihad fardiyah or individual jihad. Some of the terrorism incidents by ISIS cells that came to the attention of the police include the Sibolga bomb case in March 2019, which involved the cell led by Abu Hamzah, and the stabbing of Wiranto in October 2019 in Banten, ”wrote in a report from Tempo Magazine entitled New Terrorism Tactics: Far Enemy (2019).

The change made JAD operate in strict secrecy. JAD builds small groups with limited members, starting with two or five people.

Police security around the Makassar Cathedral Church (Source: Special)

They also cut off connections with other groups. This old method turned out to be quite effective in avoiding attacks by the security forces.

For example, when one group is caught, the arrest does not continue with the other groups. Because of that, the other groups could continue the attack without having to be distracted from hiding.

This strategy was studied by many ISIS support groups from terror incidents that had previously occurred in Indonesia. They learned very well, attacks with a structured organization will be more easily paralyzed.

The most obvious example is the destruction of Jamaah Ansharut Tauhid (JAT). The group did not move when its leaders, including Abu Bakar Ba'asyir, were arrested in 2010.

"The concept of jihad fardiyah was introduced by the figure of Al-Qaidah from Syria, Abu Musab al-Suri, in his book, the Indonesian edition of Da'wah Mugowamah-circulating in 2007. Al-Suri wrote that the concept of jihad tanzim is less relevant in terms of security and it is better for various jihadist movements to be transformed. into autonomous cells. According to him, when one cell carrying out a terror attack is caught, the other cells are still active and can continue to carry out attacks, "the report concluded.