Ordered By Kabareskrim, East Java Regional Police Chief Forms Special Team To Handle Violence Against Tempo Journalists

SURABAYA - East Java Regional Police Chief Inspector General Nico Afinta has formed a team to handle cases of alleged violence committed by security forces against Tempo journalists, Nurhadi. Nurhadi was persecuted while carrying out coverage in Surabaya at the end of last week.

"This case has now been handled by a team formed by the East Java Regional Police Chief," said Head of Public Relations of the East Java Regional Police, Kombes Gatot Repli Handoko, quoted by Antara, Monday, March 29.

The team that was specially formed by the Regional Police Chief was a form of the East Java Regional Police's seriousness in handling cases of violence that befell journalists.

Gatot Repli confirmed that the East Java Regional Police had carried out reconstruction or by the scene of the case to reveal the perpetrators of the case.

"Let the Polda team work first," he said.

Tempo journalist Nurhadi is suspected of being tortured by officers while trying to seek confirmation from former Director of Investigation at the Directorate General of Taxes of the Ministry of Finance, Angin Prayitno Aji, who was named a suspect in a bribery case handled by the KPK.

Nurhadi was accused of trespassing at the wedding reception for Angin Prayitno's child at the Graha Samudera Bumimoro Building, the Indonesian Navy's (Kodiklatal) Education Doctrine Development Command Headquarters complex, Surabaya, Saturday, March 27 evening.

Even though they have conveyed their status as a Tempo journalist who is carrying out journalistic duties, the guards of Angin Prayitno are suspected of still providing treatment that led to the persecution of Nurhadi.

A number of parties have also urged the police to thoroughly investigate the violence. Meanwhile, dozens of journalists in Surabaya held a peaceful demonstration in front of the Grahadi State Building demanding that the case be investigated.

In the action, journalists carried posters containing insinuations and criticisms, such as, "The brain is not a hug, don't play hitting!", "Ngopio Sek Sir", "Reject Violence Against Journalists", "Urge Polda to Reveal Cases of Journalist Violence 3x24 hours", and " Adjudicating Criminals Ojok Diprank ".

Apart from taking part in the action, an online petition was also circulating at change.org/KamiBersamaNurhadiTempo asking the East Java Regional Police to thoroughly investigate the case of violence against Nurhadi.