Give A Signal For The Last Ketum, Cak Imin: PKB Go Public 5 Years In The Future
JAKARTA - Chairman of the National Awakening Party (PKB) Muhaimin Iskandar revealed that the signal of PKB management in 2024-2029 will be the period for the end of his tenure as chairman, after leading the party since 2005.
In the last period of his leadership, Cak Imin emphasized that the PKB management for the next five years will be open to all elements of society, not only the Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) residents.
"The next five years PKB is not only for Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) but for all Indonesian people. Due to the PKB transition period, I will go public for the last 5 years," said Cak Imin in Jakarta, Sunday, September 8.
The Deputy Speaker of the Indonesian House of Representatives said that he was preparing for the transition so that PKB would become a more open political party and regenerate leadership with young cadres.
In the next 5 years, the PKB era will go public, not only belonging to a handful of people, a group of organizations, but really belongs to all Indonesian people. Because of that ending my term of office, I want, but just this once. The next 5 years is a target to go public, "he explained.
This statement was conveyed by Cak Imin in line with the ratification of the party management structure resulting from the 6th PKB congress in Bali, by the Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Kemenkumham).
On the one hand, Cak Imin said he was grateful for the support provided by the government to PKB. On the other hand, he considered that this ratification also indicated the start of the tough task that had to be carried out.
"This ratification of the management of the PKB DPP by the Minister of Law and Human Rights shows that we have to start working for democracy," said Cak Imin.
According to Gus Muhaimin, the heavy burden is to strive so that PKB is no longer considered a political party for certain groups. He also emphasized the importance of transitioning leadership within the PKB from senior cadres to the younger generation.
"Of course this is a big mandate that I myself already feel quite heavy to bear the responsibility of this amount," he added.
Previously, Minister of Law and Human Rights Supratman Andi Atgas had signed a decree regarding the new management of PKB as a result of the Bali Congress. The congress decided that Gus Muhaimin would again become chairman of the PKB for the period 2024-2029, while Vice President Ma'ruf Amin was chairman of the PKB Syuro Council.
The Bali Congress on August 24-25, 2024, was overshadowed by a conflict with the Nahdlatul Ulama (PBNU) Executive Board who wanted to evaluate the PKB.