Check Bulog Warehouse, Ganjar Finds The Facts Of Low Grain Farmers' Uptake

JAKARTA - The governor of Central Java, Ganjar Pranowo, discovered the fact that farmers' low grain absorption was when they checked the Bulog Banaran warehouse, Delanggu, Klaten Regency.

"I am here to see the absorption process because this April we are at the peak of our harvest season. Friends in Bulog have started to absorb it, but if we talk about our production, today is very abundant, so it is important to ensure that farmers' unhulled rice is bought at a price above. cost of goods sold or at least the same as HPP, "he said in Klaten Regency, as reported by Antara, Monday, March 29.

From the Regional Head of Bulog Central Java, Miftahul Ulum, who accompanied the inspection, Ganjar knew that Central Java Bulog could only absorb 204,000 tons of unhulled rice from farmers.

According to Ganjar, Bulog's absorption is still too small because currently Central Java is entering the main harvest season, even a report from the Agriculture and Plantation Agency stated that in the January-May period Central Java is estimated to have a surplus of 1.6 million tons.

The number one person in Central Java said that the low absorption was due to Bulog's unsupported absorption mechanism, and Bulog's not optimal function.

"This is continuously absorbed, not issued. Most routinely out of Bulog are only disasters or market operations, so apologize, if there are no disasters or stable prices and no market operations, then 'ndongkrok'," he said.

In this regard, Ganjar proposed to the central government to formulate a new policy to help Bulog absorb farmers' unhulled rice.

Bulog, he continued, could be given more tasks like in the past because Bulog's function is now a bit lame, on the one hand it is asked to absorb grain from farmers, but it does not come out much and only for stock.

"If the system is not changed, it is certain that Bulog's absorption will not be good. The impact is that the price of farmers must be low because they really use the market mechanism and are pitted against the market," he said.

In addition, the Ministry of Agriculture or the Ministry of Trade is expected to make new breakthroughs.

"I also think, if the central government does not do this, then the local government must take action, as if we have to have our own warehouse, maybe we are doing the PSO function and taking stock so that the farmers can be helped. If there is no outlet, the 'ngendon' will be more," he said.