Raw Materials Confiscated From An Ambush Of Suspected Terrorists Could Make 70 Pipe Bombs

JAKARTA - The police seized 3.5 kilograms of raw materials for making bombs from the arrest of four suspected terrorists in Condet, East Jakarta and Sukasari Village, Bekasi Regency. The raw material is said to be able to make 70 pipe bombs.

"From the findings of the explosives (explosives) along with the available raw materials according to the team's calculations that the TATP of 5 jar bombs weighing 3.5 kilograms is estimated to be able to make about 70 pipe bombs," said Metro Jaya Police Chief Inspector General Fadil Imran to reporters. , Monday, March 29th.

According to Fadil, the raw material for making bombs was very easy to explode. Therefore, the bomb squad (Jibom) decided to destroy it by detonating it in a safe place.

"TATP is a chemical compound that is explosive and is classified as a very sensitive high explosive. TATP is a peroxide compound which has a characteristic that is very flammable only with heat friction and other triggers," said Inspector General Fadil.

"Therefore, the Jibom team from the Gegana PMJ unit decided to carry out disposal in the two locations where the TATP was found," he continued.

Inspector General Fadil Imran said the suspected terrorist with the initials HH was the mastermind of the terrorist groups arrested in Condet and Bekasi. AA is also known as a financier to the technical and tactical regulator in planning terror acts.

"He planned, organized tactical and technical arrangements with ZA. Then attended several meetings to prepare for these amaliah activities. Financed and sent a video about the technicality of the production to 3 other suspects," he said.

Meanwhile, other terrorist suspects have a different role. For the initials ZA played the role of buying explosive raw materials.

"Saduara ZA's role is to buy raw materials and explosives such as acetone, HCL, thermometer, and aluminum powder, informing BS on how to manufacture and how to mix the prepared liquids," he said.