Limits On Eating Meat For The Elderly In A Day, Lowering The Risk Of Kronis Disease

YOGYAKARTA - Consumption of uncontrolled meat can have a negative impact on health, especially for those who are elderly. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to the limits on eating meat for the elderly in order to anticipate the emergence of health risks, such as hypertension and cholesterol.

Compiled from various sources, initially, there were no definite figures for the limit on eating meat for the elderly. However, nutritionists generally recommend that the elderly consume about 50-70 grams of red meat per day and should not be more than 300-500 grams in a week.

Need to underline, there is no prohibition for the elderly to eat red meat. This is because the meat contains the protein needed by the body.

An elderly person is still allowed to eat meat, but with certain boundaries.

For the elderly, the criteria for safe meat are fatless meat with lower calories, so it is useful in maintaining healthy and balanced weight. You can see fat from the yellowish white coating on the surface of the meat.

In addition, you also choose pieces of the rear thigh meat and external has. This part of the meat relatively has lower levels of fat than other parts of the body.

Red daging portion per day needs to be limited so as not to increase saturated fat intake. The intake of saturated fat can increase levels of bad cholesterol (LDL/Low Density Lipopolisakaride) in the body. This cholesterol can later accumulate into plaque.

Plak buildup can cause stagnant blood flow to increase the risk of heart disease, such as stroke, hypertension, and attacks.

Just so you know, 100 grams of grilled and grilled beef contains 2.47 and 4.68 grams of saturated fat levels, respectively.

At the same weight, grilled goat meat has a genih fat of 5.69 grams.

In fact, the maximum limit for saturated fat intake in a day is 13 grams a day. This means that within 100 grams of red meat can contribute 36-43 percent of daily saturated fat.

Although the amount appears small, the daily intake of saturated fat does not only come from red meat, it can be from side dishes or other snacks.

In addition to reducing the risk of heart disease, limiting the intake of red meat in the elderly can also minimize the risk of cancer.

In a study published in the journal Nutrition and Cancer, excess intake of red meat can increase the risk of cancer, especially if cooked using high temperatures or burned until the founding is slightly smaller.

Both mediate cooking meat can trigger carcinogen compounds or cause colorectal cancer or colon and rectum.

Not enough, the high saturation fat can also increase the risk of cancer related to hormones, such as breast cancer and prostate.

The risk of health will be even greater if you eat processed meat. This type of meat is high in salt which can sustain hypertension to stomach cancer.

That's information about dagig eating limits for the elderly. Hopefully this article can add insight to the loyal readers of VOI.ID.