Against Empty Boxes, This Is A List Of 41 Regions With Single Candidates In The 2024 Pilkada

JAKARTA - Single candidates in the 2024 Simultaneous Pilkada are in 41 regions. This is recorded in the General Election Commission (KPU) data as of Wednesday, September 4 at 23.59 WIB.

Chairman of the Indonesian KPU Mochammad Afifuddin said that his party had opened an extension of the registration for the 2024 Simultaneous Elections regional head nomination specifically for regions that have single candidates, on September 2-4, 2024.

"The extension of the nomination registration has been closed on Wednesday, September 4, 2024, at 23.59 local time," he said in his statement in Jakarta, Thursday, September 6, as reported by ANTARA.

A total of 41 regions consist of one province, 35 districts and five cities. This number decreased compared to the previous 43 regions.

Two areas where there have been additional candidates are Puhowatu, Gorontalo, and Siau Islands Regency, Tagulandang Biaro, North Sulawesi.

The single candidate will face an empty box during the November 27, 2024. Even so, the KPU will still draw serial numbers for regions that only have single candidates.

The following are regions with only candidates in the 2024 Pilkada:

Provincial:- West Papua

Aceh-North Aceh Regency/City-Aceh Taming

North Sumatra- Central Tapanuli- Asahan- Pakpak Bharat- Serdang Bergagai-North Labuhanbatu-North Nias

West Sumatra- Dharmasraya

Jambi- Batanghari

South Sumatra- Ogan Ilir- Empat Lawang

Bengkulu-North Bengkulu

Lampung- West Lampung- East Lampung-West Tulang Bawang

Bangka Belitung Islands - Bangka- South Bangka- Pangkal Pinang City

Riau Islands- Bintan

West Java-Ciaamis

Central Java- Banyumas- Sukoharjo-Brebes

East Java- Trenggalek-Ngawi- Gresik- Pasuruan City- Surabaya City

West Kalimantan- Bengkayang

South Kalimantan- Tanah Bumbu- Balangan

East Kalimantan- Samarinda City

North Kalimantan- Malinau- Tarakan City

South Sulawesi-Maros

Southeast Sulawesi- West Muna

West Sulawesi-Pandangkayu

West Papua- Manokwari- Kaimana