SMRC Survey: Prabowo Can Be A Model For Supporting Covid-19 Vaccination

JAKARTA - Saiful Mujani Research and Consulting (SMRC) said that Minister of Defense Prabowo Subianto could be a role model for his supporters to receive the COVID-19 vaccine.

This is illustrated by the results of a survey entitled Effects of Health Leaders and Authorities on Citizens Intention to be Vaccinated: Experimental Survey.

Apart from Prabowo, doctors can also be role models for society. This is because in the survey that was followed by 1,401 respondents, it was found that the willingness of residents to know that doctors and Prabowo Subianto had been vaccinated, respectively, reached 74 percent and 73 percent.

SMRC Research Director, Deni Irvani said, the big influence of doctors so that people want to receive COVID-19 vaccinations because they are health authorities. Meanwhile, Prabowo is still an influence because there is still sentiment in the 2019 Presidential Election.

"Citizens still seem to be politically divided as a result of the 2019 presidential election even though Prabowo himself has entered the cabinet," Deni said in a written statement, Monday, March 29.

Deni explained that Prabowo's voters were only 46 percent willing to vaccinate, far below Jokowi's 71 percent voters.

"However, once it was said that Prabowo was vaccinated, the percentage of Prabowo voters who wanted to be vaccinated actually increased from 46 percent to 67 percent," he said.

"This shows Prabowo is a role model for his supporters not only in politics but also in terms of health-related behavior such as the willingness to be vaccinated," added Deni.

With these findings, according to him the government should present doctors and Prabowo Subianto as figures who have been vaccinated. The goal is that the public's willingness to receive COVID-19 vaccination will increase.

"The government needs to present doctors and Prabowo as figures who have been vaccinated so that the level of willingness of the community can increase," he said.

The survey was conducted on March 23-26 with a confidence level of 95 percent. There is also a method used is simple random sampling with a margin of error of approximately 2.7 percent.