To Build TBBM, The Government Cuts Fuel Distribution And Supply Time In NTT

LABUAN BAJO - The presence of a Fuel Oil Terminal (TBBM) at Wae Kelambu Multipurpose Port, NTT can cut the time to distribute fuel supplies in Labuan Bajo. This project is planned to be completed in 2023.

TBBM Labuan Bajo Port will be a fuel barn for Manggarai and West Manggarai Regencies. The project is carried out to support Labuan Bajo to become a Super Premium Tourism Destination.

"The presence of the Multipurpose Terminal at Wae Kelambu, which can be reached about 19 minutes from Komodo Airport and 30 minutes from Labuan Bajo Port, will greatly support the smooth supply and distribution of logistics in Labuan Bajo," said Pertamina President Director Nicke Widyawati, Friday, March 26.

He explained, TBBM Labuan Bajo will have six BBM tanks with a storage capacity of 1,500 kiloliters. The types of fuel provided are aviation fuel, gasoline (Premium, Pertalite, Pertamax), gasoil (Biosolar, Dexlite, Dex). Each type is given an allocation of 500 KL.

In the construction of the Labuan Bajo TBBM, Pertamina formed a synergy with Pelindo III. The Ministry of Transportation also supports the collaboration between the two BUMN companies.

The Wae Kelambu Multipurpose Terminal will later function as a special logistics / goods terminal, serving logistics traffic and loading and unloading of containers, cargo, and liquid bulk. Meanwhile, the existing Labuan Bajo port is devoted to a passenger terminal, which serves passenger and tourist ships to support the tourism sector in Labuan Bajo.

"With this synergy, we hope that the next (development projects) can be carried out together. The construction of the Wae Kelambu Multipurpose Terminal, in order to support the tourism sector in Labuan Bajo," said Minister of Transportation Budi Karya Sumadi.

The plan is for three other collaborative projects between Pertamina, Pelindo and the Ministry of Transportation in terms of fuel supply. The first is in Patimban Subang, West Java, the second is in Kuala Tanjung, North Sumatra.