Pamflet Urges Unras To Reject Pope Francis Mass At GBK, PBNU: Don't Make Noise, It's Real Forms Of Intolerance

JAKARTA - The Nahdlatul Ulama (PBNU) Executive Board and the Nahdlatul Ulama University Student Executive Board (BEM PTNU) said that there were individuals who carried NU's name to tarnish the values of brotherhood and tolerance in Indonesia."The call for the BEM of PTNU throughout the archipelago is a real act of intolerance. For this reason, PBNU asks to be canceled and not to carry NU's name," said PBNU Secretary General Saifullah Yusuf in Jakarta, Antara, Thursday, September 5.Syaifullah's statement was in response to the circulation of pamphlets containing invitations to demonstrations on behalf of BEM PTNU throughout the archipelago. The demonstration was about the call for action against the Mass of Pope Francis at the Gelora Bung Karno Stadium, Jakarta. Wahyu al Fajri is said to be the coordinator of the action.According to Saifullah Yusuf, this kind of anti-tolerant demonstration is certainly not NU's identity and is against NU's morals."We respect interfaith people, so don't make noise, especially by bringing NU's name," said Gus Ipul, his nickname.From PBNU's search, he said, the group on behalf of the PTNU BEM throughout the archipelago under Fajri's command was an unclear wild organization for its formation and had never coordinated with the NU Higher Education Institution (LPTNU) which oversees all PTNU throughout Indonesia.LPTNU also does not have a formal organizational or legal relationship with the organization. Therefore, if they persist in demonstrating, PBNU asks the police not to hesitate to dissolve them."What is their agenda on behalf of the PTNU BEM is not a reflection of the value held by students at PTNU who clearly uphold tolerance," said Gus Ipul.Contacted separately, PTNU National BEM Presidium Achmad Baha’ur Rifqi said that his party had never issued an anti-tolerance pamphlet circulating on the WhatsApp (WA) messaging application.According to him, the pamphlet came from irresponsible persons and wanted to divide the people."It (flyer) is not from us, but from unofficial management, it is not even recognized by PBNU itself," said Rifqi.
PTNU BEM, he said, is in line with the values of PBNU which always support and maintain the values of brotherhood and peace between religious believers.He also asked the public not to be consumed by fake news and invited them to jointly support the government's efforts to maintain peace on earth."BEM PTNU Se-Nusantara will always support the efforts of the state in maintaining world peace," he said.