A Number Of Toll Roads In IKN Are Targeted To Be Completed By The End Of 2024, Here's The Progress
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) through the Directorate General of Highways conveyed the progress of the construction of the Capital City of the Archipelago (IKN) toll road in East Kalimantan.
Quoted from the upload on the official Instagram account @pupr_binamarga, Wednesday, September 4, it was stated that the development of IKN connectivity infrastructure was getting more progressive.
"The toll road sections that #MemudahkanJalanmu are targeted to be completed by the end of this year and following the following years," explained PUPR.
The toll roads in question are the IKN Toll Road Section 3A Karangjoang-KKT Karingau with a length of 13.4 kilometers (km), Section 3B KKT Karingau- Tempadung Intersection with a length of 7.32 km and Section 5A Simpang Tempadung-Jembatan Pulau Balang with a length of 6.67 km.
Meanwhile, several other sections such as Section 6A and 6B Toll Roads are targeted for completion in 2025. The Section 1 IKN Toll Road is still in the auction process and is planned to be completed in 2026.
In order to achieve this target, the Ministry of PUPR has implemented a special strategy so that development can run well and on target.
For example, working with supervisory consultants, bringing in toll road experts from the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) as well as tiered monitoring and evaluation (monev).