AI Replaces Journalists In Venezuela To Avoid Repression Of Government

JAKARTA - One of Venezuela's newest news carriers sat on a bench, wearing a flanel shirt and chinos pants as he broke the news that day. He is known as "El Pana," Venezuela's slang for "friends." However, he is not a real person.

El Pana and her partner "La Chama," were created using artificial intelligence (AI). Although they are visible, heard, and move realistically, both are not real humans. They were created as part of an initiative called "Operation Retweet" by an organization based in Colombia, Connectas, led by director Carlos Huertas. The purpose of this initiative is to publish news from a dozen independent media in Venezuela while protecting journalists amid the government's suppression of journalists and protesters.

"We decided to use artificial intelligence as a 'face' of the information we publish," Huertas said in an interview, "because our colleagues who are still working in the field face much greater risks."

According to Reporters Without Borders, at least 10 journalists have been arrested since mid-June, and eight of them are still jailed on charges including terrorism. "Here, the use of artificial intelligence is... almost like a mix between technology and journalism," said Huertas. He explained that this project aims to "avoid increasing persecution and oppression" from the government because no one can be arrested.

Opposition groups and human rights organizations in the country stated that the latest arrests of protesters, opposition figures, and journalists were part of the government's suppression aimed at silencing election disputes that sometimes led to violence that had been going on for a month.

Venezuela's Ministry of Communications did not respond to a request for comment on this AI journalism initiative. No official has responded to requests for comment from the media regarding the arrest of journalists in recent weeks.

Both opposition and President Nicolas Maduro claimed victory in the July 28 election. Maduro, which has been in power since 2013, is backed by the attorney general's office and election authorities, who have not published the full number of votes for reasons it says are cyberattacks.

Oppositions have shared what they claim is more than 80% of the vote, showing a landslide victory for their candidate, Tengo Gonzalez. Several international observers and many Western countries say that election conditions are unfair and demand a full vote count.

Protests since the vote have left at least 27 deaths and 2,400 arrests, while detention of opposition and protesters continues as part of the government's "Operation Knock Knock". Maduro and his government called protesters fascists and said they were inciting hatred at orders from countries like the United States, which Washington denies.