Densus 88 Arrests 4 Suspected Terrorists In Bima, NTB, Including Former Terrorism Convicts

MATARAM - The National Police's Special Detachment (Densus) 88 Anti-terror Team arrested four suspected terrorists in Bima City, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB).

Head of Public Relations of the NTB Regional Police, Kombes Artanto, confirmed the information on the arrest of four suspected terrorists in Bima City.

"His arrest was on Sunday (28/3), in the city of Bima. As time went on, the incident (suicide bombing) in Makassar", said Artanto.

Now the four suspected terrorists are still being held at the NTB Regional Police Detention Center.

"It was secured at the NTB Police Detention Center for further security", he said.

Regarding their identity, Artanto only mentioned their initials. As for the origin and location of his arrest, Artanto was reluctant to convey.

"So whether it has something to do with radical groups (Jamaah Ansharut Daulah) or so, I don't have the authority, because this is the active result of Densus 88 Anti-terrorism, the authority lies with the Police Headquarters", said Artanto.

One of the terrorist suspects arrested with the initials BU aka Gozi from Rite, Ambalawi District, Bima Regency. The former terrorist convict was arrested in Penatoi Village, Mpunda District, Bima City, along with two other JAD members, with the initials LA aka Guru Mudi and MU aka Abu Zahiroh.

Then RAP aka Abu Ridho was arrested at a different location, namely in Nae Village, West Rasanae District, Bima City.

Before finally being secured at the NTB Regional Police detention center, the four of them were secured by the Densus 88 Anti-terror Team at the Brimob Command Headquarters (Mako) of the Bima Pioneer Detachment.