The Initiation Of The RI-Africa Parliament Forum, The Role Of The DPR Essentially Develops South-South State Cooperation

JAKARTA - The efforts of the DPR RI to strengthen cooperation with countries on the African continent through the implementation of the Indonesia-Africa Parliamentary Forum (IAPF) are considered quite significant. The DPR is said to have played a role in parliamentary diplomacy to support the development of Southern-South Cooperation (KSS).

"The DPR's steps to initiate the Indonesia-Africa Parliament Forum certainly deserve appreciation. Parliamentary diplomacy carried out by the DPR at the end of its term of office is a concrete manifestation of the implementation of Bandung's spirit," said Paramadina University International Relations Lecturer, Anton Aliabbas, Monday 2 September.

As is known, the DPR has just finished holding the IAPF in Bali which is an Indonesian parliamentary forum with African countries. This conference was the first time it was held on the initiative of the DPR as an effort to strengthen Indonesia's relations with Africa through parliamentary channels.

The chairman of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Puan Maharani, who led the IAPF, stated that this forum was also an effort to revive the spirit of KAA (Asian-African Conference) in 1955 by carrying out peace missions, opposing colonialism, and realizing prosperity.

Although departing from the same mission as KAA in 1955, the IAPF is said to be different because currently Parliament is contributing by creating peace and prosperity in Asia Africa. Anton assessed that the DPR's move could help the Government that seeks to increase cooperation with African countries.

"However, in the midst of uncertain international political conditions, strengthening South-South solidarity can not only be carried out by the government," he explained.

"It takes collaboration from many actors to consolidate cooperation between developing countries," continued Anton.

With the theme 'Strengthening the Indonesian-African Parliamentary Partnership for Development', the IAPF focuses on strengthening South-South Korean cooperation (KSS) and developing closer inter-community relations.

KSS itself is a form of solidarity or cooperation scheme between developing countries which is carried out through various bilateral and multilateral relations legally with the aim of producing joint solutions for the development of the South country.

Anton said the DPR's efforts could help the Government's target regarding this matter.

"It must be admitted, President Joko Widodo's desire to increase economic diplomacy to the African region in a decade has been difficult to execute. Efforts to expand the export market of Indonesian products to the African continent also do not show much encouraging results," he explained.

"Therefore, the steps taken by the DPR are certainly the hope of encouraging the acceleration and seriousness of the government in improving the quality of cooperation with countries in the African region," added Anton.

The Head of the Center for Intermestic and Diplomatic Engagement (CIDE) supports the parliamentary diplomacy efforts carried out by the DPR. According to Anton, the implementation of the IAPF can produce positive results because the parliamentary path is one of the effective steps in improving bilateral relations between countries.

"As a country that has a history of spearheading the solidarity of developing countries, encouraging meetings such as the IAPF is essential," he explained.

Of course, according to Anton, strengthening cooperation can not only be carried out in the economic field, but also in other sectors. For example in the health sector.

"Because, however, the experience of handling the Covid-19 Pandemic has shown how inequality with vaccine access occurs," said Anton.

For this reason, Anton appreciated the results of the IAPF implementation, one of which agreed on the synergy of the Indonesian-Africa parliament in fighting the Monkeypox (Mpox) outbreak or monkeypox which is becoming a world concern.

"Indonesia's positioning in synergy against the monkeypox (Mpox) outbreak or monkeypox which is becoming the world's attention is very important," he said.

"Strong cooperation in dealing with disease outbreaks, including minimizing discrimination against developing countries in mitigating Mpox is needed," continued Anton.

Apart from Indonesia, the IAPF was attended by delegates from 22 parliaments of African countries where 7 chairmen of parliament and 2 deputy chairmen of parliament were also present. Several African countries that attended included Algeria, Angola, Benin, Burundi, Djibouti, Eswatini, Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, Mauritius, Morocco, Nigeria, Tanzania, Tunisia, Zimbabwe, Ethiopia, Libya, Mozambique, Somalia, and South Africa.

"The initiative to organize the first IAPF shows the efforts of the DPR RI to contribute to strengthening cooperation with African countries," said Puan during the IAPF event in Nusa Dua, Bali, Sunday (1/9).

The IAPF was held by the DPR RI on an ongoing basis with the implementation of the Indonesia-Africa or Indonesia-Africa Forum High Level Forum (FTT) organized by the Government of Indonesia at the same time in Bali.

The IAPF event, which was held since August 31, resulted in several important points through the Chair's Summary of IAPF. The first is to recognize the spirit of Bandung as the basis for solidarity and South-South Cooperation.

Then the second is to emphasize the role of parliament as a representation of society to promote inter-societal relations between Indonesia and Africa. In addition, Chair's Summary of IAPF also emphasized the people centered development in Africa and Indonesia.

Puan then revealed the fourth IAPF conclusion.

"Expending to explore cooperation in order to maximize the potential of new energy resources, food, health and agriculture security," said the former Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture.

"Summary also emphasized the DPR's commitment to strengthening cooperation between parliaments, including drafting laws," continued Puan.

Through the IAPF, the Indonesian Parliament and Africa also agreed to synergize to fight the Mpox outbreak or monkeypox which is becoming a world concern. The World Health Organization (WHO) has declared Mpox a global public health emergency so that according to Puan this agreement is quite important.

"We agreed to fight Mpox, which is not only spread in Africa and Indonesia, but also in the world," explained the first woman to serve as Chair of the Indonesian House of Representatives.

Puan also revealed that in the IAPF forum room there were many calls for stopping genocide in Gaza, ensuring a ceasefire, and finally towards full independence of Palestine. She also expressed her gratitude to all delegates, panelists, and organizers who had made this forum run successfully.

"Our diversity is a force in the relationship between Africa and Indonesia. We in the DPR RI are strongly committed to placing the Parliament of African countries as the main partners," explained Puan.

Puan also asked all delegates to bring the results of the discussion to the parliamentary meeting room in their respective countries so that the results of the discussion in Bali are followed up.

"From the hearts of the Indonesian people, I convey my friendship to the people on the African continent," concluded Bung Karno's grandson.