Film about the Legend of the Scourge of Child Abductors, Kolong Wewe will be released in early 2025

JAKARTA - Horror films are still the favorite of the audience, no wonder their production continues to increase. For screening in early 2025, the production house called Dens Vision Multimedia is currently shooting Kolong Wewe.

Under the auspices of director Tumin Brothers, Ochie Rosdiana (the main player), Asriati Lampir (ex-star of the Clift Sangra match), Anyun Cadel (komedian, Budi Limbad (mentalist from Tegal) showed his acting skills.

Producer Denny Januar is optimistic that the first production of his production house Dens Vision Multimedia will attract the interest of the audience in the future. Moreover, the storyline and the level of harmony of the film have a high selling value for horror film lovers.

The film Kolong Wewe tells the story of a married couple who have not been blessed with children after 10 years of marriage. However, Kasman and Tini continue to strive to obtain offspring as their next generation.

Even Tini almost got caught up in the hoax of an obscene shaman, so eager to have a child, Until finally Tini was spoken out for the sake of getting a child, 'I have to have a child. Even though the child is from syetan.'

His remarks were then heard by Mbah Tun. The mysterious old woman, who eventually changed Tini's life to Kolong Wewe. However, on a domestic trip, Kasman was tempted by Ika.

Their affair was discovered by Tini. Until finally Kasman stabbed a knife. And accused Tini of being the culprit. Fear of being beaten by the masses, Tini ran into the forbidden forest. This is where the Tini was trapped by three thugs. In a pinched situation, Tini chose to plunge into a ravine. Luckily his life can still be saved. Thanks to the help of aUNk, Tini with a weak condition walked until finally headed to Mbah Tun's house.

Tini can only comply with all the wishes of Ms. Tun, if her supernatural knowledge wants to be passed down to Tini. With a note, Tini must sacrifice her child as a victim.

For the sake of taking revenge, Tini agreed to the conditions requested by Mbah Tun. Tini did the ritual, so that her supernatural science could be immediately owned.

"Seeing the development of Indonesian films, the film Kolong Wewe is expected to be in demand by the audience. Consider checking the waves from the three films that we will produce," said Denny Januar.

Likewise, Denny Januar looks serious in this first film. Various aspects, both of the story and the players, are the main basis as the power to attract audience attractions later. Apart from packaging.

For this reason, Denny Januar handed over the storywriter and the scenario is handled by King totaling the scenario, which is good at stringing the storyline in the film Kolong Wewe. "Hopefully the film under wewe will run smoothly until it is complete and can be shown in theaters at the beginning of the new year 2025. Please pray for the blessing of all Indonesian film lovers," he concluded.